Friday, July 18, 2008

Why didn't you tell me? I said....this pregnancy has been relatively easy breezy beautiful Cover Girl for me...I've not had to suffer a lot of the nightmares other ladies went my surprise when I start getting painful sensations. Nothing except the initial exam (sooooooo hate being a woman at those times) has been necessarily painful...mostly just curious or at worst uncomfortable. am getting these sharp pains that I gather are probably just the baby pinching a nerve somehow....and I have these sharp little pains all over my belly pretty much all day. And of everyone else I am back has finally started to make its discomfort known....along with my hips....It's not that bad, it's just disconcerting to feel pain when I've been on cruise control the entire time. So I am like why did no one tell me about this business? I'm thinking I'm going to cruise until D day....(you day, gosh...) Apparently that is not the case. SO now I know why people at work ask me, "how are you feeling today?" My response is always, "Good, how are you?" in there's nothing special about how I feel, why are you asking? Now my response is, "I feel pregnant." That just kind of puts it into perspective I guess. I also love it when people ask me if I am scared or nervous about the labor/delivery....and the shock on their face when I give them my stock answer, "Nope, I just pretend like that part doesn't exist." Yes, ladies and gentleman, I have decided to take the procrastination route when it comes to worrying about that part of it all. I have the basic information I need....doc says make the trip when they are 5 minutes apart for at least one hour. Ok....that's all I need to know. From what I've heard there is actually little that you control about the whole process anyway, so why stress about it? I just figure I'll let the doctors tell me what to do...I'll squeeze the life out of Chris when I have a contraction...I'll play it by ear. No need to get worked up about it now. I know it's going to be miserable...I hear the recover is going to be I pretend like that part doesn't exist. :)


Olivias Mom said...

I had a lot of "why didn't anyone tell me" moments. One thing I still think is funny is this whole, "call me when contractions are five minutes apart for an hour" business. Did the doctor mention that your contractions could be five minutes apart for 15 minutes, then 20 minutes apart, then 4 minutes apart, etc? My contractions never hit that magic combination. And another thing....when they start to check you to see how far you are HURTS. It felt like the nurse was using her fist. NOT pleasant. But you do get over it. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah....that's good news....I figure the whole thing is going to suck-pain wise....i subscribe to the denial theory. :)