Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No room left in our house

Well....there is no room left in the house for stuff. The three of us (me, chris and smokey) huddle in the corner surrounded by stuff with no clear exit path to the door...or the bathroom for that matter! Oh wait...no...that's just a nightmare I had. Relaly we're not THAT full...but it is amazing how much stuff such a tiny person needs!! My mom pointed out that I had three mini showers last week. On Monday her team threw me a small shower and gave us some nice things...then on Wednesday my friends had a surprise birthday/baby dinner and gave us lots of good stuff...and then on Saturday my Aunt Kelly delivered her many gifts! Check out some pictures of Chris and I putting it all away.

Awww widdle I love Daddy socks!

This Batman outfit from Mom comes complete with a cape!

Aunt Kelly signed Zachary up for the babyhood of the traveling pajamas...these pajamas come with a little bag to store them in. :)

Check out Zachary's very first pair of Levis! And think of how cool he'll look in that M&M onesie!

My friend Melissa got this...another superhero outfit for Zach...it says Captain Adorable!!!

Smokey could not stand the thought of being left out of unpacking, so he came to play the role of official foot warmer.
No words needed. lol.
My friend Heath bought Zachary his mobile!! Unfortunately Smokey thinks all things stuffed-animal-like are his and apparently was molesting Pooh while we weren't looking...he was wet with slobber!!!! Poor poor Pooh. Smokey thought Chris was putting this mobile together for HIM...and was very anxious to play with the finished result. Good thing its out of reach.

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