Sunday, July 20, 2008


I felt Zach's hiccups for the first time on the night we went to dinner for my birthday. Like I said, he move so much now that I don't take much notice other than a general smile or so. But here went my thought pattern: "Why is he lightly hitting me in the exact same place at such even intervals of time?" "Oh!!!! It must be he hiccups!" :) I'm blonde...and pregnant ok!!! Either way, it was pretty cool. My little person here gets hiccups!

Also....we were laying in bed and I had Chris' hand on my belly...and I guess Zach freaked him out!!! He's felt Zach move before...but not it is obviously more violent...and he said Zach pressed against him....which isn't unusual....he seems to be rather territorial and usually pushes against pressure he feels on my belly. Which probably explains why he acts up so much when I have to pee!!!

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