Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Are we there yet?

Well...we got some MORE presents from my Aunt Ramona!! I've got everything washed and put away. I've got the guest room ready to go. I have the stuff we need to take ON the bag....just not IN it. So...we're getting closer. The nesting energy is gone mind is still racing but I only have enough energy to point and grunt at what needs to be done. :) Sleep escapes me except in naps that sometimes come along...

I've been playing whack a mole with Zach...he pokes...I poke to figure out what body part it is...then he pokes somewhere's a game that we play...I always lose though b/c I can't tell what is what. The only thing I can tell is that he is head down...and that is only b/c of the hiccups. He's definitely getting bigger though...I still think he needs to grow a little more b/c even though I feel like I am going to's probably not quite big enough.

We're sitting at 35.5 month from today he's due (Aug 30). Crazy! So today I went to the doctor...and his heartbeat is all belly is measuring a little small but the doc thinks that is because he is moving down...I filled out the preregistration forms today as was the first time I signed stuff as a parent/guardian...and I filled out my information under 'Mother' and Chris' under 'Father.' Crazy!!! I had to put Zach's name as 'Infant Roberson.' Once he is born they recommend Chris goes down and fills out the few blanks I left with Zach's names, etc....I was like....NO WAY JOSE! First...he'd probably spell it Zachry or something that would make me cry (he spelled Smokey Smoky...)...Second...he'd probably end up naming him Bruce or something that would make me cry.' hoping I can hobble my butt down to the 1st floor to fill it out. *fingers crossed!!*

Oh...and the doctor pointed out where Zach's head, butt and foot were...and I was like, I did my own examination and could not distinguish these body parts!!!!! All I feel is baby....not specific parts. :(


Anonymous said...

You are so right - fill out the form yourself! Ask Rachel how her Dad spelled her name in the hospital when she was born! Trust me on this - it's better to do it on your own. We're still not completely sure he knows how to spell it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one other thing - I'm actually still waiting for all the nesting "burst of energy" they tell you about. I had 3 kids; I should have lots of energy, whenever it shows up???

Anonymous said...

oops - forgot to fill in MY name!