Monday, October 6, 2008

Four weeks!!

Goodness...has it been four weeks since Chris and I nervously waited for it to be 5am so we can call and check in to the hospital?! Four weeks since they told me I was made for having babies (lies!)? Four weeks since the most precious baby boy EVER was born!??

This was a Great week for Zach as he met more of his Great-Grandparents. Here are some new photos of my lovely little boy.

He also met his cousin Lili!

He also reunited with Aunt Angel! :)

Four generations!!

These are pictures of him sucking his thumb...maybe he will eventually figure out that he can suck that thumb without sticking the other fingers in his eye!

Whoa that is one pissed off baby.

Hey what's up!!!

If you can't find the thumb you may as well take the entire fist.

Hanging out with Daddy.

Look, Mommy combed my mop!

How has Zach been doing? He wakes up at midnight, around 4ish and then again around 8 or so...most of the time. When he wakes up at 8 he only catnaps (20 minutes at a time here and there) until about 2pm...he's really not sleeping enough it seems. I talked with the pediatric clinic and we went through a list of questions and they decided he is okay. He is also eating a LOT! He had been cleaning his four ounce bottles for the most last night I made 5 ounce bottles...I made like six or seven 5 ounce bottles. That was at like 8pm. By like 2 this afternoon he had eaten all but one of those that's at least 30 ounces (or so) in less than 24 hours....OMG! When talked to the nurse (no, we can't just call the doctor lol) she initially said he should be eating 2-3 ounces at least every 4 was all I could do to not laugh in her ear...then she said I should wake him up every four hours to feed him...which was funny for two he doesn't sleep longer than four hours and two I wouldn't wake him up anyway. Let that boy sleep if he wants. In any case she decided he was okay as long as he wasn't throwing up all the food...he spits up about once a day if that and it seems to be because he just didn't burp properly...doesn't seem to be because he can't process/digest it...I say that because it is always within five minutes of him eating...

He is like the only person who likes my singing (including me). I put him in his Infantino (backpack carrier thingy) and we fold laundry/etc while I sing him my iTunes (by the way he likes Oasis but does NOT like Mariah Carey)...he likes to watch tv/football with Daddy...he loves car rides (surprise!)...he is a hot baby who likes to be naked...he is quite intrigued by the baths he gets every night..I am in fully Mommy mode by the way...I was giving him a bath and he started peeing...which started to fly across the I reached out and blocked it with my hands...yeah...full Mommy mode...and he hit himself in the face again with his pee while he was at Grandma' was very sad...he wasn't as mad this time...but it was still hilarious to Mommy....pretty much everything is though...for instance...have you ever been reading a book and your eyes get droopy and you keep trying to read anyway...and your eyes slowing get more and more closed? And then you try to open them and read and it happens again? That's how he falls asleep sometimes and it is absolutey hilarious to watch him try to stay awake by doing that...

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