Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three weeks old!!

We've made it three weeks already! I can't believe it! The first 10 days were kinda shocking to me...I was a friggin wreck!!! Things have calmed down now and I feel like a veil has been lifted and I am a human again...Zach and I are on our own this week for the first time and I think we're doing pretty well. Today we went to Babies R Us and bought him a brush among other things...then we went on a walk w/ the Infantino thingy and he promptly fell asleep...he even let me (or I let myself, one of the two) have a two hour nap today!!

Isn't it wonderful how EVERYTHING he does is absolutely the best thing in the world...or it is the funniest thing in the world. I feel bad for him b/c Mommy is always laughing at him...like when he pee'd w/ no diaper on and it hit him in the face...and he got pissed!!! That was hilarious...also his burps are pretty hilarious....even his Count Chocula (sp?) cry is hilarious. I am sure he doesn't appreciate the humor, but I do. He is growing so fast!! He has a bunch of eyelashes now and seems to be getting some eyebrows as well.

Well...I KNEW as soon as I startd to write this he would know and start crying...so off to Mommy duty! :)

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