Friday, October 17, 2008

Almost six weeks!

I am going to post a video but I wanted to give you some information first. My son is a freaking comedian. Yesterday his Great Aunt Dawn Marie babysat him while Chris and I checked out a movie. (Eagle Eye, pretty good) Anyway, as I was holding him when we got back I noticed he smelled like her pretty perfume. So I told him know, I teased him...told he smelled like a girl...and then I explained to him that girls are supposed to smell pretty but boys are stinky!!! And I am not kidding...he promptly farted on me...twice!!! I couldn't believe the timing! It was hilarious.

He I was typing this...woke himself up with that same bodily function...I heard him over the TV....then he starts crying....he then put himself back to sleep (good boy!)

One thing I am struggling with now is trying to figure out if I am spoiling him by holding him/picking him up. I try not to do it until I am sure he is not going to go back to sleep....or if he is REALLY pissed...but sometimes that really pissed is only that way b/c he wants to be held...of course babies need love and care and to be snuggled....but at what point is it teaching him a bad habit? I guess we'll see...I still think he's too young to be manipulating me, lol. Although I am kinda like putty is his tiny widdle hands!!!

This video is without all the effects b/c I wanted you to hear him...although he only made one's still a precious coo! Check out how he is staring that camera down!!! Mre videos this weekend! :)

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