Thursday, May 21, 2009

All dressed up and no where to go!

Well Chris comes home EARLY Saturday morning! We're excited! I think Zach will be really happy to see him...probably not as happy as me though!!! :)

My uncle David will be here in less than a month! Mom and my aunts Kelly & Michelle will be here in less than two! I'll be starting school (again!) in less than three months...and Zach will be one year in less than four months!!! :)

Check out my handsome son all dressed up with no where to go!!!! It's like a baby Gap add or something. :)

Daddy is the most fun to play with!!!

Say what you must...that little Pooh thing is pretty cute...and also pretty annoying, haha!

My mom wanted him to have a lollipop...they didn't have any in the commissary so I got him sugar free twizzlers. He didn't seem to like them, but they were actually pretty good! He has also had meatloaf, fried chicken, meatballs and teriyaki stir fry w/ his little mesh thing. It is awesome. What would be MORE awesome is if he could eat real food. Anyday now, I hope!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are doing such a great job at being parents. Zach seems like the happiest little boy on Earth.
Chris, he is a mini you! Every time I see him I am more convinced he looks just like you.
Can't wait to see you!
Love y'all!