Friday, April 24, 2009



Well Zach is officially a big boy! He has two teeth! Both of his bottom/middle teeth (incisors) came in at the same time. He doesn't have them all the way yet but they are definitely there! It's hard to see in a picture. If you click on the picture you'll get a big one where you can see the teeth.

He is so funny and so frustrating at the same time, lol. I wish we were near family so I could have you changing his diapers. I wouldn't tell you...I'd just let you do it...and in the process he would completely flip over on the table. It is so funny. And so annoying... I've also been trying to help him learn to feed himself. He is pretty decent at it...holds the food...puts it in his mouth...this and that...but he gags himself everytime...and usually ends up throwing up. It is not pretty. So I am swearing that off for AT least like three weeks.

He isn't as interested in his bouncer or playyard anymore. All he wants to do is sit up and play with things...which is fine...he is pretty good at it...but every once in a while he gets excited and falls straight backwards...THUD goes his head on the carpeted floor. Sometimes he cries, others he doesn't care. My new strategy is to put a stuffed animal behind him. Chris stands over him and makes him lean back to see him until he falls over. Poor baby.

He is great at holding it...doesn't understand tilt=milk.
"I can touch my toes!"

"Whachu talkin' bout Willis?"

"Not another picture Mom."

Sleepy Smokey.

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