Friday, April 10, 2009

I Comfort, You Play

Hello all! I am going to post some pictures...later this weekend I will have some more pictures and video! We're going to the zoo! Chris is hoping you all will make comments instead of email me directly! Did you know yesterday Zach turned 7 months? Craziness!

I got an email newsletter that described how Zach is now to a T! Or, as Chris put it, it was right out of the playbook:

Your New Baby--Independence and preferences

At this age Zachary may show a strong preference for your partner over you, or vice versa. Try not to take it personally. Babies generally will go to one parent for a specific need, such as comforting, and the other for play. Remember that parenting isn't a popularity contest, and showing a preference isn't rejection.

It is a bit ridiculous...we tried a little experiment where Zach was crying...Chris handed him to me and he stopped. I handed him back and he started again. lol. And try as I might I absolutely cannot make that boy giggle as much as his Daddy...and I am not nearly as good a tickler! The proof is in the pictures!

Also, I am going to start posting when I update the blog on Facebook b/c I only have a few email addresses that I can send updates to...I am going to save those for the Facebook challenged folks. :)
We are TRYING to plan on coming home in October...but Chris' vacation is a little wacky so we'll see how it all works out. We were going to come in November but Brandon can't at that time so we bumped it up.

Love you all!

This is what Zach does every morning while I make breakfast. Thank goodness for playpens!

Sporting some new headgear from Aunt Kelly.

Talking to the grandparents.

Zach went to his first playdate. Unfortunately he was a bit cranky...we'll just have to go back and show them all how adorable and sweet he is! Oh and proof that you can't take all mom to mom advice...I was advised to give Zach dog bones b/c they don't dissolve so sloppily...and don't worry b/c there aren't any ingredients in it that are different...well...I don't care...the box says dog. End of story. :)

Zach was already to go to playgroup this day...and we were in the car when I realized there wasn't one. So...we went for a walk instead! This was his first time wearing shoes...he untied them immediately.

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