Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone! :) I sent out some cards that said you never really know the love of a parent until you become one...and that is true...what a blessing it is! Today has been great! I got to sleep in until 9 (OMG!)...Chris made me French Toast and gave me some chocolates and roses! Zach gave me a card that said thanks for staying home with me (wink wink). And we ate at Chili's! Yum yum!!! Great day!

I need to catch up on photos of this adorable boy! Here is what has been going on lately:

The zoo here is's kind of like a woodsy trail...a lot of the animals are from around here. We saw bears and wolves along with the normal things like tigers and hawks. Zach didn't really care...and he fell asleep while we were checking out the polar bears...of course they were sleeping too. Lol! It was funny how low budget it is compared to the one in San Antonio...I mean they didn't even have signs on the displays, lol. We're like...are you supposed to guess what it is? I guess you are just supposed to look at the map which has pictures and titles, lol.

Zach can now feed himself...granted he has to be lying down to do it b/c he doesn't get the tip the bottle up concept yet....but it is still so cool! He also eats from this mesh is really handy b/c he can't get anything big enough that will make him gag. I tried to give him a really small piece of turkey....threw up immediately. So we're sticking w/ the mesh thing, lol.

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