Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone! :) I sent out some cards that said you never really know the love of a parent until you become one...and that is true...what a blessing it is! Today has been great! I got to sleep in until 9 (OMG!)...Chris made me French Toast and gave me some chocolates and roses! Zach gave me a card that said thanks for staying home with me (wink wink). And we ate at Chili's! Yum yum!!! Great day!

I need to catch up on photos of this adorable boy! Here is what has been going on lately:

The zoo here is's kind of like a woodsy trail...a lot of the animals are from around here. We saw bears and wolves along with the normal things like tigers and hawks. Zach didn't really care...and he fell asleep while we were checking out the polar bears...of course they were sleeping too. Lol! It was funny how low budget it is compared to the one in San Antonio...I mean they didn't even have signs on the displays, lol. We're like...are you supposed to guess what it is? I guess you are just supposed to look at the map which has pictures and titles, lol.

Zach can now feed himself...granted he has to be lying down to do it b/c he doesn't get the tip the bottle up concept yet....but it is still so cool! He also eats from this mesh is really handy b/c he can't get anything big enough that will make him gag. I tried to give him a really small piece of turkey....threw up immediately. So we're sticking w/ the mesh thing, lol.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What a big boy!

Aw - the new teeth are so cute! He is just growing so fast - and looks more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. Is he trying to feed himself with a spoon? Try just giving him finger food - it's less dangerous! lol

Won't be long till he decides sitting up and playing isn't enough - he will want to start moving around and grabbing new things, too. Lots of new activities ahead. Enjoy.

Love, Aunt Karen



Well Zach is officially a big boy! He has two teeth! Both of his bottom/middle teeth (incisors) came in at the same time. He doesn't have them all the way yet but they are definitely there! It's hard to see in a picture. If you click on the picture you'll get a big one where you can see the teeth.

He is so funny and so frustrating at the same time, lol. I wish we were near family so I could have you changing his diapers. I wouldn't tell you...I'd just let you do it...and in the process he would completely flip over on the table. It is so funny. And so annoying... I've also been trying to help him learn to feed himself. He is pretty decent at it...holds the food...puts it in his mouth...this and that...but he gags himself everytime...and usually ends up throwing up. It is not pretty. So I am swearing that off for AT least like three weeks.

He isn't as interested in his bouncer or playyard anymore. All he wants to do is sit up and play with things...which is fine...he is pretty good at it...but every once in a while he gets excited and falls straight backwards...THUD goes his head on the carpeted floor. Sometimes he cries, others he doesn't care. My new strategy is to put a stuffed animal behind him. Chris stands over him and makes him lean back to see him until he falls over. Poor baby.

He is great at holding it...doesn't understand tilt=milk.
"I can touch my toes!"

"Whachu talkin' bout Willis?"

"Not another picture Mom."

Sleepy Smokey.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


The video is just Zach giggling. He is ticklish on his legs just like I am. It's pretty funny. zoo and no brunch with the Easter Bunny. What a bummer! It was rainy and slushy and not suitable for a stroller yet at the zoo. And brunch got sold out. I am such a newb mom...I had no idea it would sell out! We did see a bunny at the BX...and Zach got a lamb stuffed animal from his Nana!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Comfort and Play

I absolutely agree with that; but interestingly enough, it can switch from one parent to the other at different ages! It's kind of funny. And THANK YOU for not agreeing with the advice to use dog biscuits! I'm sorry - my wonderful, cute great-nephew is NOT A DOG! lol

Where is the zoo? Can't wait to see the pictures. Actually, I wish I was there to go with you - I love the zoo and have not been since I think Andrea was 7:(

We're just glad you will be able to come for a visit - October, November - whatever! Love, Aunt Karen

I Comfort, You Play

Hello all! I am going to post some pictures...later this weekend I will have some more pictures and video! We're going to the zoo! Chris is hoping you all will make comments instead of email me directly! Did you know yesterday Zach turned 7 months? Craziness!

I got an email newsletter that described how Zach is now to a T! Or, as Chris put it, it was right out of the playbook:

Your New Baby--Independence and preferences

At this age Zachary may show a strong preference for your partner over you, or vice versa. Try not to take it personally. Babies generally will go to one parent for a specific need, such as comforting, and the other for play. Remember that parenting isn't a popularity contest, and showing a preference isn't rejection.

It is a bit ridiculous...we tried a little experiment where Zach was crying...Chris handed him to me and he stopped. I handed him back and he started again. lol. And try as I might I absolutely cannot make that boy giggle as much as his Daddy...and I am not nearly as good a tickler! The proof is in the pictures!

Also, I am going to start posting when I update the blog on Facebook b/c I only have a few email addresses that I can send updates to...I am going to save those for the Facebook challenged folks. :)
We are TRYING to plan on coming home in October...but Chris' vacation is a little wacky so we'll see how it all works out. We were going to come in November but Brandon can't at that time so we bumped it up.

Love you all!

This is what Zach does every morning while I make breakfast. Thank goodness for playpens!

Sporting some new headgear from Aunt Kelly.

Talking to the grandparents.

Zach went to his first playdate. Unfortunately he was a bit cranky...we'll just have to go back and show them all how adorable and sweet he is! Oh and proof that you can't take all mom to mom advice...I was advised to give Zach dog bones b/c they don't dissolve so sloppily...and don't worry b/c there aren't any ingredients in it that are different...well...I don't care...the box says dog. End of story. :)

Zach was already to go to playgroup this day...and we were in the car when I realized there wasn't one. So...we went for a walk instead! This was his first time wearing shoes...he untied them immediately.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Another day at the doctor!

Zach had his six month appointment yesterday...even though he will be seven months next week. Whatever! Anyway...they schedule like ten babies the same age for the same time so they can give a mass briefing and then they file you in two at a time. While we were waiting I was shocked at the difference between Zach and the other babies. I honestly thought the other parents probably thought I gave him a spoonful of sugar before coming. I mean he is just so active and talking gibberish, lol. And he is longer or leaner than a lot of the babies...the doctor remarked that he actually has a neck which most babies at his age don't have, lol! He weighs over 19 pounds and was a little over 28 inches long!!! What a big boy. It was funny b/c both the tech and the doctor commented separately that Zach was the happiest baby they had seen all day! I was a little embarrassed b/c Zach was REALLY trying to pull out the Doctor's stethoscope, lol. But he said he loves curious babies. It was the same doctor he saw last time and I really like him. He just genuinely likes kids and you can tell. And not in a creepy way!!! As we were leaving and I was talking with Zach he said, "Mom you sure look like you are having a lot of fun at this." And he is right. Zach is lots of fun!!! :)
Here is a picture of him on the table waiting for the doc. That is a baby Pepe La Pu on the wall...the airmen painted all the rooms. They are all really adorable. They also gave him a book about farm animals. He promptly ate it. Also, he is trying to learn to hold his own bottle.
Well, Chris has been working twelve hour shifts. He is still in training too and so basically his work is very tedious. But at least he has a beautiful baby boy to come home too...and usually some good food...and beer!!! :)
I have been breaking up the ice in our driveway...unfortunately we only get a little sun on our driveway at the end of the day so it was NOT going to melt itself, lol. I am proud we are one of the only clean driveways on our side of the street, lol! But every muscle in my hands, wrists, arms and shoulders hurt! Sheesh. I slept really well the last two nights though, ha!
Chris and I are planning on heading home in November. We are going to Texas first and then over to Virginia for Thanksgiving. We have decided all vacations home will be in the winter, lol!
Well, that's all I you all!