Sunday, December 28, 2008

pop up video (i sang that as i typed it-you know from vh1)

Here are some more videos. Zach is doing some new trying to rasp...and blowing lots of spit bubbles...he has unfortunately learned how to scream...and he also does this weird fake cough thing...I haven't figured that one out he maybe trying to laugh? Or maybe, just maybe, he is trying to learn how to SWALLOW some of that saliva....

You can hear his piggy noises.

Thanks for Zach's Christmas presents. TO explain what I said on the video....the cheap monitor we have doesn't always work so I wanted to get a good one. The bottle warmer is b/c 1) we're in alaska...and 2) we honestly think he is getting brain freeze when he drinks them sometimes, lol. He really appreciates all of his gifts, I know it! And he is the most spoiled boy ever. :)

Daddy took this one....yes, Zach has learned the screech. And he like to screech at his know, let them know who is boss...he also does that by eating them...when I am around and he does the screech I tell him he sounds like a girl.

You know every mom gets all sentimental when they watch their baby sleep....well I'm no different...except I film it and force other people to watch it! *evil laugh*

1 comment:

aunt kelly said...
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