Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Pictures

We took some family pictures this week. Here they are. Now, if you're going to print them out they suggested you do so at a professional place on a fuji printer on paper with a matte finish. They say that will keep the quality. You can also play around with black and white or frames if you have the software. I know I will be! I got some prints that I can pass out once I get them but I don't know when they'll be coming.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello! It's so surprising to see you here again!!!

I may or may not have put these clothes and shoes on him just to see how they'd look...and they look adorable!!! Maybe a bit big but I think he is a great model. He would so win America's Next Top Model!!

Getting ready for Halloween! Definitely the cutest pumpkin in the patch.
Sometimes I can find that thumb...sometimes I can't....either way it pisses me off b/c I suck and I suck and it gives me nothing in return!!
Well...this week and next week are like super busy and they make me want to cry lol...Monday they are coming to start packing...everything will be out by Wednesday....we have to get packed for our trip(s), hire a lawn person to spray, hire a carpet person to shampoo the carpet, clean the house once it is empty, get a bedliner/tunnel cover put on the truck, go to Zach's appointment, go to my appointment, etc etc...that list just keeps going!!! My Grandma Shirley is coming over to help Monday and Tuesday and Mom is off Wednesday. That still may not be enough help!! Hello, freaking out over here!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday visits....a new video...

Well, Chris turned 27 back on the 12th! My Mom babysat and allowed us to go out for a night. We got a little buzzed on some beers...we played some are some belated pictures of the birthday boy!

Also...Zach had some more family visitors this weekend. Check out the pictures!
Aunt Cindy, Uncle Stuart and Cousin Amber (with a fashionable hat!!)

Aunt Kelly and Aunt Michelle!

More video! Note: If you did not give birth to Zach these videos may be getting really old really fast.
Finally, here are just some more sleeping beauty pictures...this boy never gets a break from his photo shoots...I am afraid he is going to go on strike because he only gets paid in kisses and nose nibbling.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Almost six weeks!

I am going to post a video but I wanted to give you some information first. My son is a freaking comedian. Yesterday his Great Aunt Dawn Marie babysat him while Chris and I checked out a movie. (Eagle Eye, pretty good) Anyway, as I was holding him when we got back I noticed he smelled like her pretty perfume. So I told him know, I teased him...told he smelled like a girl...and then I explained to him that girls are supposed to smell pretty but boys are stinky!!! And I am not kidding...he promptly farted on me...twice!!! I couldn't believe the timing! It was hilarious.

He I was typing this...woke himself up with that same bodily function...I heard him over the TV....then he starts crying....he then put himself back to sleep (good boy!)

One thing I am struggling with now is trying to figure out if I am spoiling him by holding him/picking him up. I try not to do it until I am sure he is not going to go back to sleep....or if he is REALLY pissed...but sometimes that really pissed is only that way b/c he wants to be held...of course babies need love and care and to be snuggled....but at what point is it teaching him a bad habit? I guess we'll see...I still think he's too young to be manipulating me, lol. Although I am kinda like putty is his tiny widdle hands!!!

This video is without all the effects b/c I wanted you to hear him...although he only made one's still a precious coo! Check out how he is staring that camera down!!! Mre videos this weekend! :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gotta Get Through This!

You gotta get through this blog of never ending pictures/videos of varying degrees of interest (lol). Zach has to get through me capturing them. :)

Hello Thumb!

I don't encourage it....but I don't discourage it either...I almost played this video to "You can go your own way" by Fleetwood it out!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

1 Month Old!

Zach turned 1 month old on the 9th! He is definitely getting bigger...and more aware...and he is sleeping a little longer...he definitely has my Slater nose...and Chris' face/brow. He also sleeps just like know butt up in the air and suckign his, wait that's not what I meant he starts with his mouth closed, lips sealed...and then within a minute you hear a smack sound and that mouth falls open, lol. Just like Mom! :)

Here are some pictures. I have a couple videos I'll be putting up tomorrow probably.

No means ask Grandma...I have a feeling that is going to be true of all the grandparents...


My Daddy tells me really interesting things.

We'll have to save this hat for next year...a bit too big!

He holds on to his bottle to ensure we don't take it away from know b/c we never feed him.