Monday, September 8, 2008

'Twas the night before...

I have no creativity in which to make a neat little rhyme, but it is the night before!

Tomorrow at 430am we have to call the hospital. If all is still clear (you know like not every pregnant woman in the city showed up at the hospital in the middle of the night to deliver) we have to be in by 530am.

Chris and I are both anxious. I feel a little like I'm in the twilight zone though. I feel like I am always going to be pregnant and I'm never going to meet him. The paper they give you about the induction says it doesn't always work the first time...I have a feeling that will be me. This little man has absolutely no intention of coming out un-forced I am pretty sure...NO SIGNS that he is aware he is overcooking...

I can't wait for a lot of things...especially to see him and see what he looks like...and to feel that amazing feeling of how much I love him that I am told there is no way to see how Chris reacts...just all of it...I know it will be awesome!!! :)

I will see you all on the other side! Wish us luck! Love you all!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I want to welcome my first cousin once removed or second cousin or whatever he is...Zachary, into the world!