Wednesday, September 17, 2008

1 week old!

Well, yesterday Zach turned 1 week! In honor of that I figured I'd write an update. We're doing okay. Still trying to get into a routine. He isn't sleeping as much/long as he needs to at the moment...we have the basics down though...breastfeeding has gotten easier though it is Very time consuming. :) Zach has been to the store, to a restaurant and for a walk already...he's also met some more of his relatives!
Chris and I are amazed at how quickly we changed...overnight. There is definitely a switch that gets flipped and I am now completely in love with him...I am googoo ga ga in love. :) So is Chris. As he put he became a wuss overnight. :)
Here are pictures from yesterday!

1 comment:

Olivias Mom said...

I'm so happy for you! He will enrich your life in ways you can't imagine!