Monday, April 14, 2008

Learning to Blog/ L2BLOG

Well, my Aunt Audra started one of these to share her newest family edition (Olivia!) across the miles, so I thought I'd do the same. Tomorrow we find out if it is a girl or boy.

Chris wants a boy...for two reasons I think. First, he needs a place to spread all of his machismo...Second, he would be scared to death of dealing with the boys our beautiful girl would no doubt attract. I don't particularly care one way or the other. I have daydreams of giving my son a mohawk...and similar day dreams of a little girl pigtails.

When we had the first ultrasound done it was very weird because Chris and I both immediately (and completely separately) started referring to the picture as "him" and "he." Why that is could be in there is no long hair to give it away...or something more meaningful. I also have every single dream with a son. That may or may not be because everyone tells me that's what I am having all day... My mom is the only one who refers to the baby as she and calls her by her would-be name.

If we have a boy its a pretty simple choice. Zachary David. If we have a girl...well, that's another story. I want to name her in my favorite heroine...the one I have read about at least a dozen times. I wonder if the world can handle Ayla though? I could soften it up with a K...making it Kayla...but then it loses a bit of its character. I don't know... As I said, tomorrow is a big day. I think the baby knows too...he or she has been kicking around like crazy the last several days!!! I know it's all in my head but I think that the baby kicks me on purpose, at certain times. For instance...every time I sneeze, I feel a kick. Is he or she saying, "Excuse me Landlord, I am trying to relax here. Loud noises coupled with sharp movement really aren't going to work for me." I also seem to notice them more when I have a full which I think he or she is thinking "You know, I am cramped up in here as it is, do you think you could possible get rid of that bulge that's taking up my space here?"

I am going from the ultrasound to the maternity store tomorrow to buy a blue/pink shirt so that I can announce it to the world!!! I don't think they care...but I do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I add the Slater family to that since I am not sure they know how to blog! Audra had a great idea about the cotton diapers. There's a great site called that looked good but maybe Audra or your mom know better. After the initial investment, I think it would be worth it, $$ wise and environmentally, says your 'greenie' Aunt! Hope you have a baby shower soon! Since I am not working, maybe I could help you with that, invites, etc. Would you ever have believed it? Dawn Marie Rae