Monday, April 14, 2008

Collect's Bob Wehadababyitsaboy!

Well today was the big day...well the biggest so far! Chris and I had both felt strongly that it would be a boy for a while. We had been calling the baby him and he for a while. I even wore blue to the ultrasound!

So we get in there and she immediately starts measuring stuff. But, the biggest shock right off the bat was how big he was!! I suppose we should have guessed it, but he looked huge compared to the last time!! You could see his spine very I guess that milk I've been drinking everyday has been working! So...I would say things like, "Geez, his head is big...that's not gonna be good." Finally she said..., "You keep saying he...does that mean you want to know?" Uh...YES!!! So, she confirmed that he was indeed a he, saving us a lot of future guilt for possible gender identity issues!!!! She pointed out his stuff and it was easy to tell it wouldn't be one of those bad calls that come out the opposite!!! :)

Then, she got a few measurements, said everything is looking normal (kidneys: check, four compartments of the heart: check, femurs: check, etc)...and it was time to measure his head. He was actually in position for birth (head downward right at the cervix)...which, is a little early. That does bode well for us however b/c both Chris and I are procrastinators. In any case, he was tucked in there and she couldn't get a good picture or measurement for the doc. Well...thirty minutes, a walk, and much belly jiggling later we got the best shot we could. He simply WOULD NOT move. I think he punched me at one point for trying. I like to think it was b/c he is so completely comfortable!

Well, she didn't give us any pictures so that sucked, but we got to see him...and believe me...he looks huge! I guess we will get some measurements at my next appointment...four weeks from now. :(

Chris tried to freak me out by deciding it was a good time to consider boy! I like knowing that we, the procrastinators that we are, actually have one thing decided!!! He started saying things like Bruce....ugh! Everyone, please tell him Zachary is a beautiful name that is perfect and no more discussion! :)


Rachel said...

that is so exciting! Yay for baby Zachary (not bruce)! I love you two!

Olivias Mom said...

Well, Tony and I really liked Zachary and thought it would be Olivia's name should she have the goods, so I can tell you WE really like the name. Actually, I just told Tony that you were considering it, and we agreed that since you're having a boy first, you get dibs on the cool boy name. And, for the record, when I told your Grandpa and Grandma Linda about Zachary, they both made a face and groaned. I was on the phone with them, but I HEARD them make a face, so I don't think you'll get their vote.

Anonymous said...

Great News Indeed! You know Chris was a big baby (about 10 lbs) so of course he is going to be big. Now Chris will have someone to play video games with. Slade had a mohawk and then he wanted it to be green. No problem. Enjoy the pregnancy. Remember the baby is on the easy maintenance plan right now. Love to both of you. Anita

Karen said...

That's great news! It's funny, cause I was thinking boy, too - in fact, I already bought red & blue!. Um, I'd go with Zachary before Bruce (I'm sure he was kidding?!?) Love, karen

grandma moon said...

Believe it or not if Shana had been a boy, his name would have been Gregory or Zachary.

Great minds think alike!!