Monday, November 9, 2009

Virginia Pt 2

Yes I'm slow. Sorry, but here's the rest of our pictures from the trip to Virginia!

Here we are at breakfast. Brandon looks thrilled huh?
Mean face.
Not as mean face.
I went bowling with all these men. The good news is I didn't come in last place...and I had a decent buzz going.
Chris, Brandon and I went to a Metallica concert. I followed Brandon's lead w/ the headbanging...and will you believe my neck was so sore the next day I couldn't even move it? Also, after replacing our Alaska shirts with Metallica ones...we lost the Alaska ones. =( I blame the shots we snuck in.
We went out to lunch with Great Grandma Trilby, aka Tutu!
Zach looks like a really big boy in this outfit. Makes me both proud and sad. Lol.
I am pretty sure they have the same scowl.
Zach and Daddy are saying goodbye to the Camaro. Awww, how sad. Zach is wondering if it will be his one day.
Zach was helping Nana do the dishes!
Zach got to spend some time with his Great Aunt Anita after she got over being sick. =D
This picture is courtesy of Nana. Either she's really clever or she was just bored. Or both! Zach is eating the letter I. Lol.

This is Heidi and Bailey. I decided if I was a dog, I'd look like Heidi (left). They were very sweet and Zach really enjoyed sharing his food with them. He would hand something to Bailey, she'd lick it and then he'd giggle and put it in his mouth. Cute and gross all at the same time!

This is us on the plane home. We had a nonstop from Chicago to Anchorage. That would have worked out great if we weren't in the VERY last row...also known as the "lounge." The stupid thing is Zach was ready to sleep from the getgo...and he would for a little and someone would wake him up by shouting or slamming something. It was pretty lame.
All in all the trips home were really worth it. It was great seeing Zach with all of his grandparents and his family. We really love Alaska but we definitely miss our family, especially w/ regard to Zach. xoxo!

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