Thursday, November 26, 2009

Haircut & Thanksgiving!

Zach's cheeks get rosy when he drools during his naps and rubs his face in it. Pretty glamorous. I have to put vaseline on his cheeks to heal them. lol. Doesn't he look cute with his matching outfit and shoes!?

This is his winter sweater. Doesn't he look handsome? This picture is pre haircut.

See some of the leftover hair? What do you think of his haircut? It wasn't the best haircut and I will do better next time...but it was free and Zach didn't get upset! =D That totally makes it worth it. I just hope I get better with practice. Chris' hair is so much easier to cut! =D
Zach got the Your Baby Can Read from his Great Uncle David for his birthday/Christmas. Zach pays attention pretty well, but he REALLY likes the songs they sing. Coupled with the picture below, I smell a musician in the future! =P

I think this picture is pretty cute. Zach loves to play with Chris' guitar.

Well Thanksgiving finally got here! Last night it snowed over a before I could start dinner I had to shovel the snow. I was so excited because Chris was able to get off a little early. So I had dinner ready at 230. I made turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans w/ toasted almonds, pumpkin pie, gravy and cranberry sauce. I made the gravy from scratch, I was so proud! Everything turned out pretty well. The turkey finished two hours before it was supposed to...I went to baste it and saw the thermometer out and was like...ugh?? So I checked all the parts and it was overdone. Luckily I had basted it/covered it enough it didn't dry out. I actually learned a lot of things today. I should write them down so I remember for next year...I am most proud of making the gravy though, lol.

Here Zach is having some turkey. I gave him a little of everything and let him go to town. He had a good time and didn't even get that messy!!!

Zach had to put on some sweatpants after the feast!!! I think his favorite is pumpkin pie...just like his daddy that way! =D
Of course we missed everyone today, but we had a nice little family day. After we ate Zach took a nap and I fell asleep on the couch watching football. Then Chris played Mario and Zach and I watched him. Zach likes Mario. Then we had some eggnog and watched a Christmas movie. Hooray for the lovely family life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it appears the Roberson family had a great holiday together. Y'all (dont forget that word) look as happy as peas in a pod. Mom it looks like you did a great job on the haircut!

We love you!

David and Robert