Sunday, October 4, 2009

More fun in Texas!

Continued chronicles from our visit in Texas!

Well I had a terrific visit. Absolutely wonderful! I saw family and friends, got some great food, sweltered during warm weather and just genuinely enjoyed myself! I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked (yes I am serious), but I guess this will have to do! We're off to Virginia tomorrow so I wanted to get the rest of our visit up on the blog! =D

Zach learned a lot of skills here at Grandma's house. He learned to brush his hair (pretend!), blow kisses, give regular kisses, play peekaboo, and many other things. He's just at that age where they start picking things up quickly. He took his first steps to his Grandma. He did it a couple times then he fell and lost his confidence. He is still working up the courage to do it again! =D

I didn't get any pictures of our first trip up to Austin where we had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner...Zach slept almost the entire six hours we were there...he had jet lag! We ate a delicious meal and visited with family.

The next Monday we went to his Great Grandparents' house.

Above are from brunch where Zach fed Heidi instead of himself! Such a giver...

If Zach seems confused it's because he can't believe there is so much green grass in San Antonio this time of year!

Zach, Grandma and Grandnana!
We all went to chili's where Zach had the mashed potatoes, assisted by his Grandnana!

He was being so ornery on the way home!

Janet and Ray came to visit!!! We visited for a few hours and the next day went to brunch and a historical breakfast place called the Guenther was delicious!

We had a great visit with Janet and Ray. Zach actually sat still long enough for Janet to read to him! I'd say Ray is ready for some grandkids and soon! =D

This is outside the restaurant we ate in. It was really neat!

After all that excitement we just spent the rest of the day relaxing!

We went to David's a few times. Zach was intrigued by their chiauaus!

Zach got to see most of his Slater family. Yay!!!

He was so sleepy after the visit he fell asleep before I even got out of the neighborhood!
This is just a fun video I made while we waited for Grandma to get home from work!
Grandma, Zach and I went down to the riverwalk to eat and get Zach some Texas/Spurs gear. He got a Don't Mess With Texas shirt, a duncan jersey, a cowboy hat and a maraca!

Zach took over Grandma's magnetic reading glasses. They are his absolute favorite toy. He likes to pull them apart and push them back together...we looked for actual magnet TOYS but they apparently don't exist...

He wasn't a fan of this one.
Grandma got him a cowboy hat!!! WAAAAY cute.

I don't know if I actually have any other picture in front of the Alamo...but now I do!

Here Grandma is showing him how to eat it. He's eating Papaw's yummy spaghetti!

Too bad you can't see the says Me Loves San's from the Cookie Monster! I didn't realize I do this's a lame attempt at the cookie monster...David and Robert decided it sounded much more like Peewee Herman! Yikes!
What a silly silly goose!
How cute is that!? He is so is huge everywhere but the length...and it is 24 months!
Our last night we went out to dinner with my friends Joe and Chili's...again...I don't need to go back there for quite a while now. I miss my awesome Donahue friends...I told them to get orders to Alaska but I don't think they listened...

They are both going to be great parents, whenever the time comes. I can't wait to see how Shannon and I compare in war stories...we were like seperated at birth on so many other things...Can you guess from this picture who will be the disciplinarian out of the two? Haha. =D

What a big baby! Doesn't fit in Papaw's arms as well as you'd think! He had fun with his Papaw. I think he's learned by now the men are fun and silly but the women are good for kisses and snuggles!

I'll leave you with this video of some of the playing he did at Grandma and Papaw's. He is so funny because he poses for the regular camera but he stops what he is doing for the video camera...almost in defiance...hmmm.

See you next in Virginia!

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