Thursday, September 10, 2009

Zachary's Birthday!

Well Zach had his first birthday and I documented everything of course! :) He is actually kind of sick these last couple days so he was kind of moody on his birthday, lol. This is a four part video montage of his day, lol.

Zach's favorite thing to eat is bread/toast. I made him some yummy biscuits for breakfast. Then I showed him all the cards we go in the mail. You can see he was very impressed! Then after his morning nap we got him dressed!

I know he doesn't exactly match but we did the best we could with what we had!

After we got dressed and ready to go, we went to the park to have cake, presents and play in the playground. The piece of paper was a savings bond from his Grandad and Nana.

Zach really like to be outside and crawl around on the grass.
Chris was working ALL day and could barely escape for a quick lunch.

We got him a toy that he can push and walk at the same time, that seems to be his next step. Right now he cruises around by hold on to furniture or me. :) He seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly!
We tried playing with him in the playground but he was not liking it...started we packed up and headed home. Once we got home he was immediately acting better...I guess he just didn't feel like going out. Also, you can see his shoe is about to come off here. That carseat is one of his presents...I really like it b/c we can see/talk to each other and he has a lot more room.
I gave him one more cupcake after dinner since it was his birthday. This time he made the mess I had expected and we went straight for the bathtub!

This is what he does when he is tired, it's pretty funny.
Thanks for all the cards, wishes and presents. If no one objects we're going to put the money that was sent to him in an account for him. He doesn't particuarly NEED anything as of right now, at least in the way of toys. Thanks again though for sharing this special day with us!


David and Robert said...

It looks like Zach had a great birthday. You two really love him and he is very lucky to have such good parents.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACH! Your Uncles in San Antonio love you very much.

Dave and Rob

Karen Mays said...

Love the cupcake video! He looked so funny when he would squish it, and then try to figure out where it went! I forgot about the little wind-up bathtub toys. It's been a long time since we had those! Thanks for posting so many great pictures, stories & videos so we can see what all of you are doing. Love, Karen