Monday, August 17, 2009

Seward and Exit Glacier!

(Yes, we're still going back in time and I have to write a big blob about all the pictures at the end b/c it's the only way I can post b/c Blogger hates me)
We drove down to Seward which is a couple hours south of where we live.  It's a coastal town that's famous for fishing an glaciers I guess.  The drive down was really nice-would have been even nicer if the smoke from all the forest fires wasn't blocking our view.  I had another opportunity to use an outhouse.  Maybe for my next birthday someone will buy me a portable outhouse?  Anyway...Zach was styled by Kelly...the onesie, shorts and shoes were all presents from her.  We went downtown and ate dinner and then checked into our room at the Air Force rec camp.  It was nice, although Zach and I didn't get any sleep because he didn't like his portacrib and it was too quiet for me.  As you can see Zach was as long as Mom's legs then...he's even longer now!
The next day we hiked up to Exit Glacier which was about a mile or so I think.  The glacier is receding and they had signs showing you where it used to be-pretty cool!  Once again as I am walking very carefully I look over and there are people climbing up a cliff...crazies.  I had Zach on my back...this was a really nice, easy hike.  We took some pictures at the top, I fed Zach and then we went back down.  He was really tired from all that hard work so he fell asleep on my back, haha. 
As you can see, by the time we were on the way home Zach had had enough!!!

<3 Shana Marie

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