Monday, August 31, 2009

Alaska State Fair

Well Zach and I headed over to the Alaska State Fair. It is held in Palmer, a small town about thirty miles from where we live. Zach and I stayed for several hours. We had a lot of fun and he was on his absolute best behavior. I think we were both so happy because the weather is so nice. It's been raining and overcast for most of the last six weeks. As you can see below, today was an exception. It was about 65 degrees and sunny today.

Here is the view as we are waiting in line. Zach doesn't mind so long as he has something to chew on! Everyone was so impressed by his boots-they all kept commenting on them! There was a couple behind us that brought their two kids in a john deer wagon. It looked very convienent!

As you can see Zach didn't understand that he was supposed to look at the camera.

First stop was a petting zoo. I did take Zach in and he pet a baby lamb but of course I couldn't video that by myself! He didn't care about the animals, he wanted to play with the hay!

We're making the switch to sippie cups this week I hope.

We got some sun. It was so nice outside!

That was our self portrait session...didn't go so well...he was interested only in my sunglasses/pulling my hair.

Blue Bonnet Stage? Huh?

They had about four arts and crafts trailers with all sorts of different hand made things. Pretty neat. They also had livestock and flower exhibits...among many other things. We had some bbq-mislabeled as texas style- and some cotton candy. Zach also had sweet potatos and apple juice, but we brought that. :)

New carseat!

Zach got his first birthday present early from Grandma. He DESPERATELY needed a new carseat because he has been too big for the infant one for a while now. So now he gets to sit facing forward and he even has arm rests that go up and down! :) I even installed it myself though Chris had to tighten the straps using his brute strength. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009


Ladies and gentlemen, we are caught up. Isn't that just absolutely fantastic? Here are some pictures from this month! Zach is making a lot of progress these days...he babbles more, has more teeth, tried to chew/bite his food, cruises around on his feet, pulls himself up with skill, crawls really fast, etc etc. Just last night we were playing roll the ball, which he found incredibly entertaining. He's going to be one year old in three weeks, can you believe it?!

I also know he is playing me for a fool. A FOOL! I know he is old enough to understand the word no...but he ignores it. Changing his diaper is like an all out epic battle EVERY TIME. He jsut wants to flip over and I just want to put his diaper on. I try to hold him down but he wriggles his way out of it...if I put more pressure on him I would probably hurt him...I've tried every sort of distraction I can think of...I've tried no...NOTHING WORKS. Don't laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am researching how to wean him on to whole milk. I don't really think it's going to be cheaper but I will feel better b/c milk tastes a lot better than formula, poor baby. I am worried he doesn't eat enough solids...I am worried he won't get enough nutrition if I switch him. I'd ask his doctor but his one year appointment isn't (again) until two weeks after he is one month. The boy is leaning toward becoming a vegetarian. I am not even kidding. He won't eat baby food meat...and he'll barely eat meat I cook as long as it is in the mesh and there is something else in there as some mashed potatoes, lol. Although he did like the cranberry turkey...

He's going to get a new carseat for his birthday which will be great because he barely fits the other one anymore...and he'll be able to face me, I am sure he will like that! If anyone wants to get him anything I am thinking bath stuff...I think soon I am going to try and let him sit up in the bath by himself...although I am sure I'll be holding him the whole time, lol. But he could use a bath mat to help him out, haha. Other than that he is actually growing out of the last bit of clothes he was given. He has plenty of winter jackets, but other warm clothes are welcome. Of course no one needs to get him anything, he's got one of everything as it is anyway...but I figured people would ask, lol. Maybe we will have a party or two for him down south, I am not sure. Whatever party he has up here will be...small, haha. :)

Love you all!

PS-We celebrated our five year anniversary on August 6th! We got a babysitter and went out to dinner...look at us go!

The rest of July

I am so excited-we're getting caught up here! 
So the rest of July was uneventful-business as usual.  We all went down to say goodbye to Sarah at her last party.  I resisted the urge to sing, "Na na na na, hey, hey, hey, goooodbye."  Zach rode on a pony.  It was really cute...she tried to give him the rope but he kept throwing it aside.  Haha. 
There are lots of pictures of Chris and Zach playing.  Smokey still gets confused because he thinks when we're on the floor we're going to play with him.  =D

<3 Shana Marie


It appears I never loaded this video on the blog, though I thought I did. Whoops!

Mom's last week/My birthday

Mom stayed for another week, yay!  So we started off celebrating my birthday by Chris surprising up and babysitting Zach and sending us to the salon.  I got my nails done and a great haircut.  When we got home we took pictures w/ Zach to show off all of our new haircuts!  Then Mom babysat so Chris and I could go out-we went and saw Transformers 2 (wow, it really really wasn't as good as it could have been).  Mom bought me a dress to wear as well, lol.  Then one night I used Chris' dad's recipe and made them some salmon.  Mom and I did some shopping downtown.  Then on my actual birthday we all went to Chili's (shock!).  Mom made (shock!) me my favorite cake-red velvet w/ cream cheese frosting.  That cake is so awesome, it kicks all the other cake's butts.

<3 Shana Marie