Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well there is nothing like a child being sick to make you realize how out of control you are. You think you've got things down and BAM! (we've been lucky though...almost to nine months w/o being sick)
Today after Zach had thrown up each of his three bottles we took him in to the ER. Diagnosis? Stomach bug, something in his stomach (most likely pockets of air?) and a minor ear infection. AND he is cutting a tooth (I figured that one out myself).
All that and he really was an angel...until we got to the hosptial. Beforehand you wouldn't have known he was sick by his behavior....normal as can be! Once we got to the hosptial it was all downhill...he was tired, hungry and being poked/prodded. Basically five hours of screaming baby time!
I think I handled it a lot better than when we had to take him back in for the jaundice...But I think these times really show you what you're made of mommy-wise. Several months ago the doc heard a murmur in Zach's heart. In the office I was all business and getting the information. In the car I was a hot mess. (murmur is gone now...was "innocent") The same today...he had to get x-rays...they put him in this awful contraption that looked like a torture device.
(that's not Zach)
I was crying on the inside...laughing on the outside.
So they gave us meds and pedialite. He seems to be able to handle the pedialite just fine. I can't believe he isn't more hungry! I guess his tummy just doesn't feel right. I also can't believe he isn't fussy. He was fussy in the hospital for good sleep/poked/etc. But other than that he has been a very good baby.
He's asleep now, poor widdle boy.
That's all folks.
PS: Not much that smells worse than sick baby poo. Chris is walking around with his shirt over his nose. He says we're gonna have to feg Zach's room when he is better. I agree.

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