Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving...and Black Friday! Zach's first Thanksgiving!!! Yay. We started the day by watching the awful football blowouts...the Cowboys winning by 1 million points was a plus. By the way, football comes on at tlike nine in the morning here...anyway...we then went over to my Cousin Dean and Judith's for Thanksgiving dinner. That's right...we have family in Alaska! So...Dean is my Grandma Shirley's nephew...which would have made him and EJ (my Dad) I guess we're second cousins. Either way, it is pretty cool to have family here! So we went over there and had a really good time. They have two kids, Jaylee (2) and Jared (4 mos)...they were both absolutely adorable Gosh I am just plain kid crazy now...I was entertained by them the whole evening. Jaylee is getting good at talking and was showing off her verbal skills...which was too cute. And her brother Jared was showing off his dimpled smile. We had a delicious dinner...I was the one stuffed...not the turkey (ok so that was a lame joke but you'll understand why by the end of the post). Dean works here at Elmendorf teaching people to fly C17s...which by the way the crazy Army people are jumping out of...and it's like 30 degrees colder at that altitude! CRAZINESS! Anyway, we had a great time. Zach played on Jared's tummy mat and then took a nap lol.

So then we get to today...Black of course Zach gets me up at I'm like...I should go to the BX and see what kind of deals they have! So we went...and got no deals...but lots of good stuff! We came back and Chris was still asleep! So it was sneaky shopping! :P We had some waffles (yes, I've become a full fledged cook...or at least a full fledged if-it-comes-in-a-box-I-can-make-it-cook)...and then I talked Chris into going out for more shopping! So we went to a few stores (he got some stuff too! Can you believe GnR finally released Chinese Democracy? Crazy!)...and I was and am so completely exhausted from our day legs gave out on me. My mind went too...But I do have to hand it to Alaskans...they were REALLY nice...especially seeing as how it is like the most annoying day of the year...I had a fellow shopper carry out this bulky storage thing I bought b/c I looked like a fool trying to manage it, the diaper bag and Zach, lol. And all the sales people were so nice...they all said "you're very, very welcome"...and there were no was insanity...I wasn't sure if it was Black Friday...the only bad thing is these Alaskans seem to have something against Texans..."haha, you know what we Alaskans say about Texans" said the Best Buy man...haha...shut up. :P

Here is Jaylee, Judith, Dean, Jared and us. :)

Here is Zach getting ready to help Mommy do some Christmas shopping...he is ready in his Santa's little helper outfit.

Here is the weary another outfit as you can see...don't buy BX diapers...they leak.

Here is a picture Chris made me take. That sticker says "$2.79 in Alaska." Under the sticker the price is $1.59. Sigh. Shipping costs...

Also, here is a picture of Zach with Santa on his Sleigh! :)


Amanda said...

Like you, I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout for Black Friday. I didn't go shopping until about 3:30 today, but there were still hardly any people, and there were plenty of people working so you got help almost right away. It was maybe a little more crowded than usual, but not too bad. There were actually cashiers waiting to check people out at Target this evening, so I guess the moral of the story, if you want to shop on Black Friday and still get good deals, go later in the day!

Amanda said...

Oh, and now I really want some Christmas cakes!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I FINALLY caught up on your blog. Great pictures - and I am so glad you are off that rocking boat.
OKn - who is that baby in all your pictures? Cause he is so big and has changed so much he can't possibly be the same sweet, little baby Zach I saw just a few weeks ago. Did you give him super-grow or something!!! Glad you had some family to spend Thanksgiving with. Love, Aunt Karen