Monday, November 17, 2008


As I wrote in the email the trip is going well. All of our photos are from the ship we were on, the Malaspina. We're halfway now. We had to stop in Juneau for about 36 hours and then we'll be on our way. We have plenty of videos...just waiting for a wifi connection that can handle them. lol.

Here's our boat.

Waiting to drive on the boat.

Still waiting...

View from the aft deck.

Better view from the aft deck.

The solarium...and the tent of one of the crazys who slept out there.

View from the portside.

Zach got to cruise (pun intended) in style...

Zach's bunk.

Getting ready to go outside.

Just loungin' on the deck...


It's all very exhausting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i came across your blog, and you take really neat pictures =] and your son is cute! hehe