Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three weeks old!!

We've made it three weeks already! I can't believe it! The first 10 days were kinda shocking to me...I was a friggin wreck!!! Things have calmed down now and I feel like a veil has been lifted and I am a human again...Zach and I are on our own this week for the first time and I think we're doing pretty well. Today we went to Babies R Us and bought him a brush among other things...then we went on a walk w/ the Infantino thingy and he promptly fell asleep...he even let me (or I let myself, one of the two) have a two hour nap today!!

Isn't it wonderful how EVERYTHING he does is absolutely the best thing in the world...or it is the funniest thing in the world. I feel bad for him b/c Mommy is always laughing at him...like when he pee'd w/ no diaper on and it hit him in the face...and he got pissed!!! That was hilarious...also his burps are pretty hilarious....even his Count Chocula (sp?) cry is hilarious. I am sure he doesn't appreciate the humor, but I do. He is growing so fast!! He has a bunch of eyelashes now and seems to be getting some eyebrows as well.

Well...I KNEW as soon as I startd to write this he would know and start crying...so off to Mommy duty! :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

And so it begins!

Zach learned about the Cowboys/Redskins rivalry today. He watched football with Daddy again...and proved to be the lucky charm again, skins won!

From the land of the sleepless!

Greetings from those w/ no sleep! We have somehow already managed to get Zach spoiled about the way he falls asleep...so we tried a new strategy last night...trying to get him to sleep in his crib...it was difficult to convince him but he eventually gave in and has been taking very good naps in his crib....he is sleeping better there than anywhere welse actually...so it was our fault for not going there in the beginning.
Chris and I are getting used to being parents...as I told my girlfriend earlier this week it is just amazing how we have flipped that switch...we were both like the most non-kid people ever and now we're totally in love with him and it's just great!!! I cannot believe how much I love him...I literally start having a bit of a panic attack when I am away from him at about the 1.5 hour mark...
The only problem is that I CANNOT sleep! My brain won't let me...I am supposed to sleep when he sleps but I lay in bed for HOURS and cannot get to sleep...I've tried everything...glass of wine, warm shower, counting, etc...it's unreal!
Here are some more pictures. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Zach turns two weeks!!

Here are some pictures from before two weeks...can you tell the difference!? Probably not...These are some pictures with his Nana, Grandad and Great Grandma!! :) Also, check out the picture of his first piece of mail, his Social Security Card!

He turned two today. It was a big day. What did he get for his birthday? Some poking and prodding! He went to the doctor and weighed in at 9lbs! :) He got blood taken, xrays taken and all the rest. The doctor thinks he may have a small fracture in his clavical. (I don't) Then he got home, spit up on his Nana and then got his first bath!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekly update!

It's great that everything is settling in so well for you. Yes, it is amazing how the focus of your life changes so quickly. Love seeing all the pictures & notes.
Aunt Karen


Zach met his other Grandparents this week...Grandad and Nana! He's also met Great-Grandma Becky! Here are some pictures.

Things are going okay. I think he is gradually getting better at sleeping...but it is hard to judge since he only sleeps during the day. :) He is eating every two hours!!! He is also growing...his face is already much more chubby, lol. :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

1 week old!

Well, yesterday Zach turned 1 week! In honor of that I figured I'd write an update. We're doing okay. Still trying to get into a routine. He isn't sleeping as much/long as he needs to at the moment...we have the basics down though...breastfeeding has gotten easier though it is Very time consuming. :) Zach has been to the store, to a restaurant and for a walk already...he's also met some more of his relatives!
Chris and I are amazed at how quickly we changed...overnight. There is definitely a switch that gets flipped and I am now completely in love with him...I am googoo ga ga in love. :) So is Chris. As he put he became a wuss overnight. :)
Here are pictures from yesterday!

More pics...

More pics

Friday, September 12, 2008

welcome ZDR welcome to our lives & family!!

we can hardly wait to meet you and kiss you and hold you and rock you and spoil you!!

~ak & mac

Thursday, September 11, 2008

And here he is!

Well, I will probably get to the details later but here are some pictures. He delivered on Tuesday, 9/9/08 at 1801....7 lbs 14 oz....full head of brown hair. :)

Zach's first picture!
Me and my Daddy!

Me and my Grandma!

Finally, me and Mommy!
Auntie Angel and Papa.

An upside down picture for some reason.

I hold my own pacifier in place. For a couple seconds at least...
This was the beginning of what shall only be referred to as the car seat incident in the future.
On the way home!
Daddy's driving is so smooth I easily fell asleep.
Playing with Daddy.