Thursday, August 28, 2008


First off...any queasy men reading this...don't.

I went to the doctor and got checked today. My Aunt Audra warned me it would hurt...and OMG she was right. That was awful...this does not bode well for the future, I have to tell you...So she checks it at first we're all good and she's like you're only 1 cm dialited...then she performs some sort of torture method and announces proudly, "Now you're two!" She might see a little spotting later...NO CRAP WOMAN!!!!!!!

In any case....despite the mile I walked today and the 12 flights of stairs yesterday he still isn't coming out. My plan was to go to the office today, they would check me out and say, "Let's admit you Shana, you're ready to go." A girl can dream!!!!

I have another appointment next Friday...if he isn't here by then they will induce that Friday or the Monday after.

My sciatica isn't bothering me as much anymore b/c I think he moved down and that made the swelling go down? Nope, now I am just normal pregnant...and my ankles were doing fine until this week it they went missing...


Maybe th enext blog entry will say, "BABY BOY ARRIVES!!" :)


Shana "Still Pregnant" Roberson

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