Friday, August 22, 2008

8 days to go!

Yeah I know, the 8 days isn't a science, blah blah blah. I have to have something to hold on to!!!!! :)

So...last night I am trying to get in bed and you know like moaning and groaning "Ugh I am so uncomfortable!!!" And then I thought about Zach...and I thought...I bet he is thinking the exact same thing!!!!!!!!! "Would this crazy lady stop sloshing me around, Good Lord I have no room as it is!!!" Lol. So at least he and I are in the same boat lol.

So Chris and I decided it is going to come down to whoever has worse luck. See, Chris and Brandon are going to a concert on Sunday night. So of course Chris thinks that will be the night Zach decides to come. I think with MY luck I'll be like two weeks late!!! So...we'll have to see whose luck is worse! Lol.

Not much else has changed other than maybe a couple more ribs have popped out of place. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, the Good News is, I don't think they let you go 2 weeks late anymore! At least I sure hope not. Most people I've known last few years who were late didn't go more than a week. Yay!!!