Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What contractions?

So today I had another routine check up...So I go in and am honest with them and tell them he hasn't moved hardly at all today so far (it's 1pm)...I also tell them that it's probably b/c I have been very active (ok, so maybe not compared to say...the Olympians...but dishes and laundry are a lot at this point ok??)...and he is not usually active when I am. He waits until I am sitting/laying and then he gets bored...and has a field day!

Well...they don't believe me on this business so they want to monitor him just in case. No problem here...always better safe than sorry...he had been they monitor him while I lay down on the table...and, AS PREDICTED....he starts moving around. That's fine...he can play and I will watch General Hospital or whatever it is on their TV (awful!). So one of the ladies comes by and is like..."Are you feeling any of those contractions?" contractions?

So you know my uterus is practicing for the big day (apparently not ALL parts of me are deep in procrastination)...that's cool. I tell the lady, "Well the longer I can't feel them the better I guess." And...they have like no sense of humor so w/e...back to General Hospital... the actual appointment I tell the doc people tell me it hurts when they check the cervix...and she's like, "Do you want me to check you and you can find out?" It was kind of odd...I'm, I was just asking weirdo. Anyway, she says everyone is different but that it will hurt less the more....ready I am. should also be noted that Zach is a music lover just like his parents! Anytime I play music it seems like he is always up for some dancing! He doesn't seem to discriminate between types of music, though I am sure his Dad will try to sway him toward the bang your head style. :) I do have to note that he got so worked up by practicing his dance moves to Toni Braxton that he got the hiccups!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I know you must be SO ready, and so am I! I can't wait to see him. Did she say if you are getting ready yet - effaced or dilating?