Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Almost three weeks of a four person family!

Greetings all! Tomorrow marks Melanie's third week of life! We had her two week checkup last week. She was up to 7.15! Woohoo. She's fattening up, which makes me happy. Not sleeping all that well, wakes up to eat every couple of hours still. Hoping that improves sooner rather than later. =D

Zach is doing well. For the moment we've kept him in pre-school. When I picked him up yesterday his teacher told me how impressed she was that he could draw his shapes and that he knew the difference between a square and a rectangle. :) Now if we could only get him to LISTEN. lol He's relatively unaffected by Melanie still. He likes her well enough, but he's not impressed, lol.

My parents are coming up next week so that'll be fun. I plan to break Melanie into her crib this weekend in preparation for their visit and so that Chris can come back to his own bed! lol

Where there's a will for video games, there's a way.
That's a smile ladies and gentlemen!
Sleepy girl!

This is Zach holding a green bean that he REALLY didn't want to eat.

She's already after my jewelry!!
She doesn't look comfortable at all does she?

Silly Kenai! She LOVES playing in the snow.

Here's my handsome man playing out int he snow with Daddy and Kenai!

This one just makes me laugh.

So there's no video of Melanie b/c she just kinda eats and sleeps right now. Maybe next week! And Zach has decided he's camera shy this month, so I just have a little hodge podge of him here.

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