Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas and one week!

I'm going for once a week, though I can't make any promises!!

Zach is adjusting just fine so far to Melanie. I'm not sure he cares one way or another all that much. We both try and take time out to spend with just him. He and Chris have been a team though, for the most part, and Melanie and I have been as well. It's been good father/son time though...not just for the fun of it, but Zach is listening better...Daddy is a better discipliner than Mommy!!

Chris goes back to work on Tuesday-oh no! Zach's still been going to preschool. I'm going to move him to part time eventually, just not sure when...maybe when Melanie sleeps six hours a night and I regain some sanity? =D

You wouldn't believe Zach if you saw him. Although there are a lot of bad things we get from being in pre-school with up-to 5-year-olds, the good is that his vocabulary and speech has drastically improved-he sounds so much older than he is, it's crazy.

It's zero degrees outside and we're all cooped up inside...good thing we have all these Christmas presents to keep us busy! =D

I just love these three!
Sleepy baby!

Christmas was pretty hectic! I have to tell you we were so blessed with many presents-especially Zach! And we're so grateful! I honestly don't really know what came from who too much, here and there I caught it but it was pretty crazy between a toddler, a newborn, no sleep, trying to make breakfast, etc, etc!!! Thank you to everyone though! =D
We read Zach the night before Christmas each Christmas Eve.
Looks like Santa brought a train for someone!
Yay! Umm, Zach there are more presents to open!

Yay, now to just get photos in it!

Cool colored heavy duty brush for my awesome car!
I hid the DVD in the pillow---ahahahaha-for once he didn't guess it.
That's what I call a hot mess!
Well, Melanie pretty much sleeps in her carseat. She's sleeping a few hours a night, but I get most of my sleep from like 8-11 when Chris watches her. Haha. She's eating like a champ though, hopefully gaining lots of weight!
She got to wear her Christmas dress from Grandma!!
Christmas was so hectic we didn't even get a decent photo of us all...but my friend Emma will hopefully be fixing that this weekend-hoping to get family photos done then!
Emily ate dinner with us for Christmas dinner...which was saved by Emma after breakfast was kind of fail and then I spilled the sugar mix all over the kitchen trying to make a was a breaking point...Emma saved the day! And it was awesome b/c the ham I had bought lasted us all week! woohoo
There's a pretty girl.

Lol, this is a mean photo, but it's funny too. She has milk coming out of the side of her mouth! lol
Her umbilical cord fell off on her one week birthday!

She likes to sleep in my neck, not on my chest like Zach did. It's cute, but it's also hard to sleep like that!
Meghan, Emma, Bobby and Avery came to visit. Avery gave Melanie all the tips on being a darling little princess!

Look at those monkey feet folded in!
We got some belated Christmas presents, yay! Here's Zach opening one!

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