Sunday, September 27, 2009

Zach goes swimming!

Zach and I made it to Texas! The flight was quite an ordeal, but Zach was on his best behavior...aside from throwing up on me, making my nose bleed and then peeing on me. Maybe I should start from the beginning...

Zach and I boarded to a COMPLETELY full 757. There were a lot of babies on board, Zach turned out to be the quietest believe it or not. He was however the squirmiest. He managed to stay in my lap without much of a fight but he did go back and forth between knees and turning toward and away from me. It was truly a six hour arm workout. There was a well meaning lady across the aisle I was talking to. She wanted to give him a chip. Never go against your instincts! I don't give him chips and now I know why. The child who hasn't thrown up in months threw up on me. On the plane. And guess what? The steward had taken my bag up front b/c there wasn't room in the overhead (I had pulled what I thought were the essentials out into my purse). So his change of clothes were who knows where. I took him to the stupidly small bathroom where we washed his shirt and him...and he went topless for the rest of the flight. This may have been a blessing in disguise b/c he went right to sleep. Maybe he was too hot? He and I were sweating up a storm. I looked around and everyone else is huddled in jackets and blankets! We're definitely from Alaska! They obvioiusly were just visiting. :P As I said, he went to bed shortly after that ordeal. Zach does this thing where he bangs his head against the mattress-or in this case, me-to fall asleep. I don't know how he managed to stay sleepy by pounding his head against my collarbone, but he did. He would have kept sleeping but we landed in Dallas. Am hour, change of clothes, cup of milk and two terminals later we were on the way to Dallas. Luckily that flight was less than halfway full so we had the row to ourselves and we had a good time. I think it was about then that he bonked me (accidentally) on the nose...and all the sudden I felt blood trickling down...another trip to the tiny bathroom! I think it was right about when we were flying over 410 that I felt something hot on my leg. My first cognisant thought REALLY was, "I hope that is pain." mind didn't want to register what it really was so it skipped over that one for the better option. It was not was pee. How?! Why?! No one will ever know. In any case we got there, our lugage did too. We trekked through the ridiculous construction and started on our way to our San Antonio home. Zach fell asleep as Papaw was driving us home!
These are pictures on the Dallas flight.

Look at all those teeth! Seven including that one teeny tiny one!

I like this one in black and white. =)

He'd adjusted to his new sleeping arrangement well. We went to Austin Saturday and he slept the entire day away, lol. Today we went swimming for the first time! Zach had to go all the way to Texas to swim...definitely not something that is going to happen in Alaska! He took it like a champ! It was a bit cold b/c it had rained a couple days ago, but it didn'tbother him! He wasn't ALL that impressed, but at least he didn't cry!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

12 month checkup!

I've got no pictures...just a really cute story to share.

Today was full of ups and downs for Zach. Daddy didn't have to work, so that's a plus. Then I made him french toast, another plus. We went for a walk, yet another plus. Unfortunately that walk was to the doctor's office, not a plus. They have a little play area for the babies and I let Zach down next to this baby girl (with pigtails, too cute). She smiled at him and took off crawling. He chased after her all the way across the room! They stopped for a rest and he leaned over and gave her a kiss. I am not making this up. I wasn't sure what he was doing, I was wary b/c I figured he'd try and poke her in the eye at any moment. Instead he leaned over and put his lips against her cheek. You may be tempted to think this is coincidence, but I don't know what else he was doing...he didn't bite her... In any case the whole thing was SOOO cute. Chris said he's one year old and already chasing after girls. Haha. So he is 31 inches long and weighs 23 pounds. They gave him shots and took his blood, these were all not plusses. He was in about four different doctor's offices and as soon as we walked in any of them he started crying. He knows what a doctor's office looks like, lol...and he knows he doesn't like it.

Love to you all. We're going on a day trip tomorrow and I'll post photos then.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Zachary's Birthday!

Well Zach had his first birthday and I documented everything of course! :) He is actually kind of sick these last couple days so he was kind of moody on his birthday, lol. This is a four part video montage of his day, lol.

Zach's favorite thing to eat is bread/toast. I made him some yummy biscuits for breakfast. Then I showed him all the cards we go in the mail. You can see he was very impressed! Then after his morning nap we got him dressed!

I know he doesn't exactly match but we did the best we could with what we had!

After we got dressed and ready to go, we went to the park to have cake, presents and play in the playground. The piece of paper was a savings bond from his Grandad and Nana.

Zach really like to be outside and crawl around on the grass.
Chris was working ALL day and could barely escape for a quick lunch.

We got him a toy that he can push and walk at the same time, that seems to be his next step. Right now he cruises around by hold on to furniture or me. :) He seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly!
We tried playing with him in the playground but he was not liking it...started we packed up and headed home. Once we got home he was immediately acting better...I guess he just didn't feel like going out. Also, you can see his shoe is about to come off here. That carseat is one of his presents...I really like it b/c we can see/talk to each other and he has a lot more room.
I gave him one more cupcake after dinner since it was his birthday. This time he made the mess I had expected and we went straight for the bathtub!

This is what he does when he is tired, it's pretty funny.
Thanks for all the cards, wishes and presents. If no one objects we're going to put the money that was sent to him in an account for him. He doesn't particuarly NEED anything as of right now, at least in the way of toys. Thanks again though for sharing this special day with us!