Thursday, July 9, 2009

Father's Day Flattop Hike

Yes I know Father's day was a month ago but Blogger hates me so I have just now been able to get these up. First we had a deluxe breakfast and gave Chris some gifts. Then we headed off to hike!

We hiked up to the (almost) top of a mountain right outside of Anchorage. It was great exercise....but it was also a little scary! You're going straight UP a mountain! Zach was in a backpack we borrowed from our generous neighbors. It was our first hike together and we learned a LOT of things...1) less is more...2) need better shoes 3) be prepared for unpredictable weather 4) Alaskans have a skewed idea of "easy"...there is a lot more...but I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!

We started out with Zach on my back. There were too many things working against me to continue...blonde, tennis shoes, clumsy, hair to get the idea!
So we switched. Zach crid a bit off and on...the weather didn't help. We conducted two feedings and two diaper changes on this hike.
This is a picture taken within the first ten minutes. You can see Anchorage and the coast right off the bat.

What a goon! Check out the facial hair Chris grew in a couple days.
Can you see the rainbow that we were ABOVE? How cool is that?!

Now these pictures were taken at about 3500 feet. That's about how tall the mountain is. You only climb UP 1200 feet though because you drive a bunch of it. Listen to me...ONLY 1200 feet...that was no picnic...but I SURE slept well that night!
This was basically the farthest we got up. About 50 feet from the top. There were a lot of things working against us. Weather, fussy baby, scared get the drift.

There were no pictures where you COULDN'T tell Chris had a mouthful of sunflower seeds. I have to confess though, they do assist with the hike. Come visit me in Alaska and go hiking, I'll show you what I mean.

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