Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am getting complaints that I am not posting often enough! Well...I don't have much of an excuse I guess...Zach is just so much fun all the time these days...he is silly...he has learned to really is THE BEST SOUND. Ever. Today when I was bathing him I got his underarm and he kept gigiling...I guess it tickled. Fun times. He has started eating...he wasn't much for the cereal so we gave that up. He has had applesauce, carrots, sweet potatoes and peaches so far!

This weekend we are going to the in fur's a big trading event they start a week before the iditarod...there are endless things to do at this thing according to the schedule...from horse carriage rides to dog sled rides to craft shows to scale model shows to parades...etc etc. Sounds fun!

Zach is going to be six months in a couple of weeks. CRAZY!

This picture is Chris w/ the title to his Camaro. He is so excited...I framed it for him.

Zach and I were doing some tummy time...Smokey had to get in on the action...and they both rolled over!

In this video you have to pay attention to the faces Zach makes...they are funny. At the very end he makes a face at the camera like, "Help me". Hilarious.

Here is more bouncy...I am struggling for videos to post...I need to have the camera on me more often...He doesn't spend as much time in the bouncer as this video would have you believe...during the week hardly at all...but the weekend...yes...lots of bouncin'!

This is mostly for the grandparents b/c the average viewer will probably be very bored, lol. This is Zach eating carrots. Don't ask why he isn't wearing a bib.

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