Monday, February 2, 2009


How are you all doing?! :) Us? We're busy dodging natural disasters. I found out two Saturdays ago there was a 5.7 earthquake here. WTF? Sure it's not a big deal, but I didn't know about that. Oh...and you know that volcano that is about to erupt? I am prepared with goggles and masks. Sigh. And yes, I know to look for the hump in the back of the bear BEFORE I call wildlife. keep busy up here just existing.

Aww how cute! He is in overalls! The hat...I don't know about the hat.

Funny naked baby pictures.

These are a couple of pictures we took while we were coming back on base. We have endless video of it as well...

Here are some pictures of us going downtown. We went to an all you can eat seafood place...we were 45 minutes too early for that so Chris paid $34.99 or something for one pound of snow crab and one pound of king crab. We also had some reindeer sausage. Zach had some milk and a nap. :) Below is a picture of Chris with the Iditarod statue. And if anyone says they see a resmblance between me and the moose I'll digitally kick your ass. :P

This is us watching the superbowl. Zach had his fb shirt on. :)

Well I have a lot to get to so here goes!

Check out the new noises and fidgets he is into. :)

The joys of Alaska! :)

1 comment:

Dawn Marie said...

Love the photos and videos-Zach is soon to be a camera hog and try out for American Idol or something... Smokey looks like he's enjoying himself, too. And well, give it up, it's still an adventure, although at some point snow will just piss you off. Wait until the mosquitos try to rent a room from you. Love you guys... Dawn Marie