Thursday, January 15, 2009

omg it was 47 degrees today has been terrific. Zach woke up at 10, 1, 5 and 6 last night...puked on me at one point...the diaper genie ran out of stuff yesterday apparently....and I realized this at I had to change that...and start laundry...then this morning I had to go the store for diapers/etc and the entire parking lot was covered in at least 3 inches of ice...yes...solid ice...I am not kidding when I say I was ice skating...SOMEHOW I didn't fall on my butt...regardless it was probably the best part of my day...when I came home the mail man watched me as I tried unsuccessfully to maneuver the Jeep into the garage...i shifted this way and that...and then slid down the driveway WHILE IN DRIVE...I tried one more time and gave up...all while the mailman was cautiously attempting to go behind me but wisely thought the better of it...THEN when I tried to WALK up the driveway b/c I couldn't park in the garage...well I got like 3/4 of the way up...and then I seriously SLID THE ENTIRE WAY BACK DOWN. At this point I was really last resort was to go through the three feet of snow in our front yard to make it inside...which I GLADLY did...I know what you are thinking...why doesn't she get some boots or some yak tracks....well she will....once all the parking lots are not COVERED in ice...then this afternoon I spent an hour picking up dog poop (ok so that is partly my fault...) which was way more awful than I imagined it could be seeing that everything is melting and soggy...enough said....and if we haven't mentioned it before the trash can is several houses down...and everything in our neighborhood is ice (driveways, sidewalks, roads) I basically skated my way down to the trash can dragging three bags of dog poop...yes, it was all very glamorous...but I did manage to not fall...which I think is pretty impressive...finally I dealt with a VERY grumpy evidenced by the video below...I am going to warn you...there is some screaming/crying in this brace yourself...but I spent an hour trying to get that boy to bed and you can see why I was having such a hard time...

Anyway....goodbye blog, hello glass of wine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAY too funny - David and I had a good laugh, although with Zach in your arms, might have been scary! Dawn Marie