Friday, January 9, 2009

Four months old!

This is how Zach reacted when I told him I hadn't posted for over one week!!!

Can you believe Zach is four months? He had his doctor's appointment today. He was 25 inches long and 15lbs 15 oz. :) His head was almost 17 inches around (he looked funny with the measuring tape as a crown). The trip was pretty stressful b/c he decided the initial wait in the waiting room would be his one chance to prove to the world I am a horrible mother. He starts howling and I really don't know why...he doesn't really do that at I finally quieted him...and I realized I forgot his burp cloth as he drools all over himself and me...but then he was a good boy after that...he was fascinated by the fish painted on the wall in the doctor's office...and by the doctor's glasses...

Zach has decided to stop sleeping through the night. So I try to feed him more...I try cereal...nothing kind of sucks...he was sleeping 12 hours...and not so much anymore...I wish I could figure out why...

He is doing a raspberry like thing now that is hilarious...see video below. Also I don't know if I ever mentioned this but a while ago for whatever reason Chris made a howling noise and it made Zach stick out his bottom lip and start crying...and he still does it! For some reason he doesn't like that's really odd. Also...I think he's ready to start solids (except that he spits up the cereal in his bottle at least half the time) because a couple of times now I've been holding him while I was eating and as I brought the food to my mouth he smacked his mouth open ready to eat it! It was the funniest thing! I had to stop eating b/c I felt so bad b/c he kept doing it! He really wanted my yummy food! Lol...I will try to get that on video b/c it is absolutely hilarious!!!!

Also...he is at that point where anything that comes near his hands goes into his mouth. :) What else...He goes to the gym with me and he doesn't fuss long enough for me to run a mile then I walk with him on the indoor track and he falls asleep...yesterday he fell asleep with one finger in his mouth and the other hand had the death grip on his was really cute.

Anyway....things are going well here. I've been really busy...and it's been too cold to do anything outside...I am really tired of this weather. I didn't mind the teens/twenties...but this negative 30 business is not cool. When you walk outside and your nose hairs freeze...that's not cool. They are saying this is the coldest winter in like...forever...that's basically b/c we're here I figure. I think we ought to invest in chapstick and lotion...and nasal spray....this is body is like wtf!

Here are some videos...sorry for all the annoying mommycam sounds...

Here is one silly baby! This one isn't that exciting...we've got to build up people!

This one is just a couple of bloopers. lol.

Why is my son grunting? Not sure...

Here is my sweet baby 'laughing.'


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