Thursday, August 28, 2008


First off...any queasy men reading this...don't.

I went to the doctor and got checked today. My Aunt Audra warned me it would hurt...and OMG she was right. That was awful...this does not bode well for the future, I have to tell you...So she checks it at first we're all good and she's like you're only 1 cm dialited...then she performs some sort of torture method and announces proudly, "Now you're two!" She might see a little spotting later...NO CRAP WOMAN!!!!!!!

In any case....despite the mile I walked today and the 12 flights of stairs yesterday he still isn't coming out. My plan was to go to the office today, they would check me out and say, "Let's admit you Shana, you're ready to go." A girl can dream!!!!

I have another appointment next Friday...if he isn't here by then they will induce that Friday or the Monday after.

My sciatica isn't bothering me as much anymore b/c I think he moved down and that made the swelling go down? Nope, now I am just normal pregnant...and my ankles were doing fine until this week it they went missing...


Maybe th enext blog entry will say, "BABY BOY ARRIVES!!" :)


Shana "Still Pregnant" Roberson

Friday, August 22, 2008

8 days to go!

Yeah I know, the 8 days isn't a science, blah blah blah. I have to have something to hold on to!!!!! :)

So...last night I am trying to get in bed and you know like moaning and groaning "Ugh I am so uncomfortable!!!" And then I thought about Zach...and I thought...I bet he is thinking the exact same thing!!!!!!!!! "Would this crazy lady stop sloshing me around, Good Lord I have no room as it is!!!" Lol. So at least he and I are in the same boat lol.

So Chris and I decided it is going to come down to whoever has worse luck. See, Chris and Brandon are going to a concert on Sunday night. So of course Chris thinks that will be the night Zach decides to come. I think with MY luck I'll be like two weeks late!!! So...we'll have to see whose luck is worse! Lol.

Not much else has changed other than maybe a couple more ribs have popped out of place. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daddy is getting ready too!

So...Chris has been learning the guitar...and guess what? He has learned twinkle twinkle little star to play for Zach...we hope that Zach will like it rather than be like "WHAT IS WITH THE LOUD NOISE PEOPLE!!"

Chris' Mom and Dad kept things noisy when Chris was a baby so that he would learn to sleep/exist when it is noisy...I hope we can do the same thing. I think he is kinda used to noise now b/c I listen to music a lot...but I wonder how we can continue the noise...safely...when he is outside!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Sweaty...achy...irritable...tired...yeah, I know what you're thinking....what is Chris' problem!??!

J/k...that's really me. I am those things. Shana + Pregnant equals SUPER CLUMSY WOMAN!! There isn't a wall or door around that I haven't run into. You may want to know how this happens....but I really can't tell you. It may be b/c I moved to a new level of laziness in which I don't move that extra inch to avoid them...

Had some fake contractions yesterday...

Brandon is coming down on Weds....I am going to let these boys cook me some dinners!! Ha...little does he know. lol

Well...that's it. Still pregnant. At least he's had the decency to drop where he needs to be. I totally had some Mexican food today and I am still alive!!!!! :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What contractions?

So today I had another routine check up...So I go in and am honest with them and tell them he hasn't moved hardly at all today so far (it's 1pm)...I also tell them that it's probably b/c I have been very active (ok, so maybe not compared to say...the Olympians...but dishes and laundry are a lot at this point ok??)...and he is not usually active when I am. He waits until I am sitting/laying and then he gets bored...and has a field day!

Well...they don't believe me on this business so they want to monitor him just in case. No problem here...always better safe than sorry...he had been they monitor him while I lay down on the table...and, AS PREDICTED....he starts moving around. That's fine...he can play and I will watch General Hospital or whatever it is on their TV (awful!). So one of the ladies comes by and is like..."Are you feeling any of those contractions?" contractions?

So you know my uterus is practicing for the big day (apparently not ALL parts of me are deep in procrastination)...that's cool. I tell the lady, "Well the longer I can't feel them the better I guess." And...they have like no sense of humor so w/e...back to General Hospital... the actual appointment I tell the doc people tell me it hurts when they check the cervix...and she's like, "Do you want me to check you and you can find out?" It was kind of odd...I'm, I was just asking weirdo. Anyway, she says everyone is different but that it will hurt less the more....ready I am. should also be noted that Zach is a music lover just like his parents! Anytime I play music it seems like he is always up for some dancing! He doesn't seem to discriminate between types of music, though I am sure his Dad will try to sway him toward the bang your head style. :) I do have to note that he got so worked up by practicing his dance moves to Toni Braxton that he got the hiccups!!! :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dinner...Small talk...and stuff...

So...the 6th was our four year anniversary. :) We went out to the place we went on our first date (which we had not been back to oddly enough)...Benihana's....a Japanese steakhouse. So this is the type of place where you sit with other people and watch the guy flips stuff around and eventually cook your dinner. So it's 10 to a table and the other eight people are all one family. There is one older gentleman, two older ladies, a woman probably in her early 40s and four teenage boys. So we get to talking and eventually find out the older gentleman and one of the ladies have been married for almost 50 years and they immigrated here from Israel a long time ago...about 30-40 years ago I think. The other lady is his sister who came over in the early 90s. The younger lady is their daughter who was five when they moved here. Two of the boys are her sons and the other two are their friends. So, they are world travelers...and US travelers as well. They've settled here because he works at the UT Health Science Center. I imagine he has his PhD and was recruited to work here (why else come to SA??? but that could be a temporary hatred for the humidity talking). Long story long, they are a VERY nice family and we all have a great time. Of course they are congratulating us on four years (totally sounds less cool next to the couple who've been married longer than my grandparents have been alive, but whatever...j/k)....and the baby. Of course the staff sings us some Japanese song which I assumed meant something like happy happy joy joy...and then the waitress tells us this family paid for our dinner. Ugh....what? That's like a minimum $80 meal! They are rich though, this we know (though they did make it a point to make sure we knew they were Armenian--NOT Jewish) because they tell us they doe this every quick math of $30 times at least six people a a tip...yeah...So it's all said and done and we're very grateful and thank them profusely...Chris is at a loss so he gives them his number in case the boys want a tour of an Air Force Base????....hey, at least it was something!!! We were so shocked we really didn't know what to say...they hugged goodbye like we were BFF...and that's all she wrote. :) No one else seems to think this was as big of a deal as we was just so nice and a good way! Mom's generation and definitely her Mom's generation were either taught or naturally blessed with the ability to have small talk and be gracious and not awkward. I unfortunately was not so blessed with this trait. I shy away from talking on the phone and talking to people I don't know that well as often as I can...the problem then lays in the fact that being pregnant is apparently the one thing that makes people want to talk to me. So random people come up and ask me how I am feeling. Now...I could answer them with...uh, I can't breathe, I feel like I swallowed a cup of grease or maybe even just fall asleep while talking to them would get the point across? But then I get stuck b/c...I don't know these people...why would I tell them this business? This is small I always, ALWAYS say, "Good, and you?" Which is completely not the point of them asking me that. But I just don't know how to handle this. I wish I could blame the pregnancy but its really just me. :) Any small talk that I make with people will inevitable turn to me making a joke they don't get or me thinking, "Why did I say that?" This may seem odd since I definitely categorize myself as an outgoing person...and I's all very confusing. Does anyone else look down at the floor so much as me...afraid of the random people? :) I don't know when I became such a dope...but I remember really being keen to this new development when I met Chris' Mom and Grandpa...and also when I went to Airman Leadership School. The family visit was awful b/c I think I kept telling jokes that they didn't get (well, that hasn't really changed I don't think, lol) but I also, inexplicably, started saying cuss words more often? Like...WHY!? Chris would be like Shana...why are you saying these things in front of MY MOM? And I could NOT explain it. Lol. I was nervous? Airman Leadership School was a prime example of the anomaly I am. We need to introduce I volunteer to go first (b/c I am outgoing Shana)..and then I promptly tell them my name and that if they see me leaving the room alot it is because I have the world's tiniest bladder and having a set schedule freaks me out b/c of this fact. WHY DID THESE STRANGERS NEED TO KNOW THIS? I DON'T KNOW!!! Anyway...I've rambled enough about that...

So...Smokey was acting crazy the other day. He was following me everywhere. He does that anyway, but this was on a whole different level!! I would almost trip over him b/c he was RIGHT there. I did an experiment of walking in circles around the coffee table...and he kept right on my was weird!!! So Chris goes to work the next day and they ALL tell them their dogs did that like a week before they/their spouses went into labor. HOLY CRUD! We were freaking out. And then we stopped freaking out. I don't really think he's a coming yet. Of course I am not an expert in this matter at all...

Yeah....he's pretty much out of room though...and I think he is restless. He will push up against the left side of my ribs and my right hip at the same time as if he is trying, through sheer force, to make his place bigger. I don't think it's going to get much bigger though, so....yeah...

That's it for now. Thanks for all the replies and the well wishes and everything...I've really enjoyed it the whole time. Three weeks to go! (OMG)