Friday, May 9, 2008

Another appointment...

Well...I went to the Doctor today. Here is the gist of the appointment I waited an hour for:

Have you had any problems?
And contractions/bleeding?
Do you have any questions?
Were the results of my ultrasound okay?
Were the results of my tests okay?
Am I bigger than I should be?
Don't gain much more weight.
*measured my uterus and listend to heart beat for 30 seconds*
Stop by the lab for your gluclose test. *end of thought*
*couple seconds delay* Doesn't that take like an hour or something?

Thanks, goodbye.


The entire thing lasted like ten minutes. I was telling Chris beforehand that I was pretty sure, like the last appointment, it was going to be a monumental waste of time. He said no, and pointed to the board of things we were supposed to talk about this week: infant feeding options, pre-term labor signs, movement counts, upcoming gluclose test, etc, etc.

...I had to force him to tell me about very important the testing I had done...and Zach's measurements...

I guess he doesn't realize he is the only authorative source (at least medically, not on being a mom!) I have to get information from? Doesn't he think it is important to go over things? I've been know...I'm not a's where he comes in!!!!

Whatever. Military get what you pay for.


Olivias Mom said...

Oh, honey, you can't blame the military for this one. My doctor was a civilian, wooshed in and out of the room just about every time. He should get more attentive the closer you get to the due date.

Anonymous said...

The best thing to do is make a list of what you want to ask - and hold it in your hand when the Dr is in the room! Sometimes he will ask you if you have a question when he sees the list; if not, ask away!