Sunday, February 12, 2012

More photo updates. Someday my brain will return for text updates. =D

Here are some photos my friend Emma took recently of Melanie for Valentine's Day. She's just so pretty, don't you think?!

Here are some photos we got done when Melanie was less than two weeks old! And then there are some that we took last week. My friend Emma ( took them! I can get prints of them if anyone is interested! There's also a video on the end that I forgot to put in the last post.

Pouter pigeon!!
Getting a hug from brother doesn't seem to be agreeing with her.
I think purple is much more her color than pink. So sad since I don't really like purple!
Zach likes it when she holds his finger.
She loves chatting with Daddy!

Such a pretty smile!!

Zach and Kenai play together all the time now! It's good b/c a lot of the time it is the only exercise he gets!
Zach's still in school. I haven't decided when to take him out yet. We're going to keep him in a part time preschool program no matter what just for the social. But I hope to start teaching him myself. If you check this photo out you'll see who teaches him at school now. Not that I mind it a little bit, but he's on that thing a lot! And he's really good at it...he knows how to use the back buttons on the browsers, he knows how to close everything out, he can play games and everything. He's already a computer geek! Anyway, any thoughts and ideas about having two of them at home are welcome!

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