Monday, October 17, 2011

Zach update

Since I am too lazy to blog, I'm just trying to send weekly emails to folks now...I was just sending it to non facebookers, but I don't want to leave anyone out.

Below is a pic I snapped of Zach being cute after I read him a story. His bed has been a blessing and a curse, lol. He can get in and out by himself and he really loves it...but now he isnt trapped and he gets up a few times at night before calling it quits.

I bought this little workbook and Zach and I do some of the exercises each night. He thinks it's fun and I can feel good about tv time afterwards, lol. He really is very smart. He is goi to move to preschool next week. I eager to see how he adjusts and how much he learns.

Zach did the rectangles after I showed him and then he decided to write the only letter he knows to write, H. No luck on the letters I tied to get him to do. But he did draw a rectangle, which is an improvement because he has only done circles thus far.

Finally, Melanie is coming along well. I think she will be dearly because there is no way she is going to fit much longer! We are setting her room up this weekend which includes buying a new stroller!!! I can't wait to get all the clothes we've been given out and separated so I can get some peace of mind!!!

More later!

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