Friday, August 19, 2011

I have had numerous requests to update this blog. So I shall!

Getting pregnant:
We had a very specific plan and somehow that plan was executed exactly as we hoped. Part of the plan was we wanted a baby by December. And because it was planned we know the exact date of conception. Weird. 

This is Chris' face when I told him. I told him by showing him a shirt I bought for Zach that said "Big Bro." He was surprised and happy!!What we didn't think about was the fact our baby would have a bday so close to Christmas!!!  I guess we shall see how that goes!

Pregnancy thus far:  The first trimester was really terrible. I was throwing up several times a day, which takes a toll both physically and mentally. That was the first inkling it was a girl. The doctor also suspected it web at the first ultrasound!  All is well now. She is very active- I feel her all the time!  Nausea is gone, though acid reflux/heartburn is not great!

It's a girl: I really wanted her to be a girl. And just like with Zach, I got what I ordered!  I had an ultrasound done while in Virginia and we got to watch her moving for about ten minutes!  It was so neat. (I did not opt for 3D bc that creeps me out!) She moves even more than I feel!  She was sucking her thumb and also I think she was hitting herself in the face, lol. The tech commented that she was one if the most active babies he'd seen (I attributed that to a piece of candy I had just eaten). He also said the amniotic fluid looked great (okay...). 

The very next stop from the ultrasound was for Nana (Kathy) to buy girl clothes! She favors purple. I favor lots if colors in one pattern. Either way, Melanie has quite a bit to get started with as I also gas a surprise baby shower while in Virginia!!  It was just great!

That's it for now. More to come-another doctor's appointment next week.   22 weeks. :)

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