Monday, August 30, 2010

Nana and Grandad's visit

David and Kathy, aka Grandad and Nana, came to visit for three weeks in July. We did all the typical tourist-y things and we really had a blast doing so.

We let them settle in first. Of course by settle in I mean we drank beer and let David cook for us! =D

One of the first things we did was go down to the Downtown Market. Grandad introduced Zach to kettle corn and they shared it for the rest of the visit!

At the market I made them do the same photo booth torture I've put upon other guests. THey were good sports though!

We had a 4th of July BBQ. We put in horseshoes for the occasion.
We also played guesstures which is a less amusing way of explaining some of these photos.
Chris learned his beer holding skills from Daddy dearest!

I have to report that though they went fishing several times, they weren't as successful as they would've liked.

Our first trip was to Talkeetna. This is the town nearest Denali (as the locals call it) aka Mt McKinley, which is btw the biggest mountain in the world from summit to peak (just not the highest above sea level).

Our first stop was a flightseeing tour. We were very lucky to be able to do this. In fact, most of the places we went as a group we felt kind of like the rednecks crashing the party. Hmm, wonder why?

There was a bit of a wait before we took off so Zach kept busy with his grandparents.
This was when Zach learned about planes. He now points them out everyday as they are very abundant in the Alaska skies.

We all had to wear headphones. None of us could hear much of anything though due to a faulty radio system. Luckily the engine was more reliable and we all made it. Apparently we're all a bit scared of heights, though we did manage to keep it together for the length of the flight.
As you can see, the views were breathtaking. Above is Ruth's Gorge carved overtime by Ruth's Glacier. Below is the beautiful peak of Denali. We all learned to recognize it well as we were continuously searching for it through clouds at for several days.

We saw a moose crossing a river from the plane as well.

Nana was a trooper and sat in te back with Zach. I love this picture! Eventually Zach fell asleep against Nana. We were all happy Nana avoided the perils of motion sickness, though it did get close at the end of the flight!

The scenery was just beautiful!

Another stop we made in Talkeetna was the Iditaride, a touristy take on the annual sled race in Alaska. It was pretty neat! Afterward they let us meet the future sled dogs-puppies!!

Here was another place I was surprised to find myself. Top billing in Alaska, the Talkeetna Lodge. The view was amazing, the lodge was amazing. Everything was amazing!

Here Zach teaches Grandad about the iPhone.
Zach unintentionaly mimicking the growing grass, reaching for the sun!
Chris and I went on a horseride. That's Denali between us!
Another fishing trip. That's all I'll say.

Another adventure we had was the jetboat safari. We went in search of wildlife, views of Denali and reconstructions of Inuit living.

I was really impressed with the Talkeetna playground. I guess I never really had expectations for a playground, but this one was just really awesome!!


Our next stop was Seward! Right below are a couple pictures we took on the way down. I told David and Kathy that is is take-your-breath-away gorgeous. Luckily, the weather and views did not disappoint!

The first order of business in Seward was the mile hike to Exit Glacier, seen below.

Another adventure (we sure were busy weren't we?!) was the Seward Wildlife Cruise. We were very lucky and saw everything we set out to see: birds, seals, otters, whales, dolphins, etc, etc! It was a pretty good trip. Zach made it until about the last half hour (four hour trip)!
I just love this picture. They both look so contemplative!
Zach kept stealing my hat and standing in the corner just like this. It was really funny!

The boys were skipping rocks when we docked. David dropped his camera in that water there. I will let your own imagination come up with the words that followed.

The scenery, as always is the case in Alaska, was full of beautiful views and wildlife!

Seward had another neat playground, though it paled in comparison to Talkeetna! The grandparents kept Zach entertained!

Kathy and I took Zach to the Bear Paw Festival where we rode rides and had treats!

This poor child gets motion sickness relatively easily. Here he's just got off this thing that turns in circles and is leaning on Nana for support.

When we got back from Seward Zach was ready to get at it again I guess since he packed himself up in my suitcase.

We made a trip to the zoo. Zach got to pet a donkey and a goat in their petting zoo. He took turns pointing things out to us and occasionally letting us point things out to him.

Pretty awesome picture!

Kathy wasn't as lucky seeing wildlife as David was. Here she got to get a long look at a female moose hanging out in our backyard. It was quite comical the amount of wildlife that turned up in our neighborhood while they were here. Just in one day they were halted from a walk from wolves and later halted from taking Zach to the park due to bears in the area. Later in the same day this moose arrived!

For my birthday I got these awesome knives. You make think that a weird gift but only if you've never tried to cut something with the knives I previously owned. Everything is like butter with these knives-unbelievable!
Zach got me an Alaska white hoodie and Chris got me some Sketcher Shapeups. My mom got me a bike and seat for Zach. It was a good haul!! To top it off David cooked me one of the best meals I've ever eaten. I'm a Texas girl, so naturally that involved steak!

The Grandparents babysat while Chris and I got my ATV stuck in this river he's standing in. =D Good times.

They bought us our Christmas gift while they were here. It is awesome, inspiring even. Unfortunately we are afraid it is cursed. Grilling with this grill has the power to bring rain!!!

We all had a really terrific visit. We saw and did so many things that we would have otherwise never have been able to do. Unfortunately, Grandad and Nana had to say their goodbyes to the cutest little boy on the planet!

Here are a couple of moments I was able to get on video. We were so busy I didn't get as much as I liked!

It truly was a treasure to have everyone visit. We were so happy and so busy that we completely forgot we're so far away from home. xoxo!