Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time Marches On

Hola! Before any riots begin, I come bearing many pictures. AND it's only been two weeks since my last post. =D I have my iPhone all the time so I can take pictures with that a lot. The quality difference is very noticeable, but then again, so is the not-having-to-carry-a-bulky-camera difference! =D
Happy Valentines Day!

We're all doing well here. Zach is doing much better at daycare. Eating, napping. He also seems to like his babysitter Brooke a lot as well as her son Colt. So that is awesome. I don't feel guilty so much anymore...I feel more guilty if I don't drop him off b/c it's like he is missing out, lol. In addition to that, he is also getting better at public outings. That is-he's learning proper behavior at restaurants and what not. We got him a leash! Before you judge, be aware that that thing is awesome! It gives him the freedom to be able to walk around instead of be in a cart but allows us the ability to keep him from touching EVERYTHING, lol. And Zach likes it. He even wants me to put it on at home, lol. Here is a look at it.

It was great when we were furniture shopping because there is way too much breakable stuff in those stores! And he gets very antsy in a stroller. (I don't know where he got that from.)

He's getting so big! So big he can eat an entire Happy Meal. When did that happen? It's fun to sit there an hour after you've finished waiting for him to finish. Chris really enjoys that part. =P
Practicing his excessive celebration. =D
Practicing his tackling!
Here we're eating at a restaurant. Zach had fries but did not care for the lemon. He doesn't throw stuff on the ground anymore though, so that is nice! We went for a walk after we finished here because Chris had crab which takes longer to eat than either Zach or my patience can stand! =D
He's had better moments.

Fun times!
As for me, class is still going well. Would you be surprised if I told you my school completely failed to send in my GI Bill paperwork? No you wouldn't be surprised would you? That's b/c we're all fully aware that people really suck at their jobs. It should all be worked out by next month I hope. We're living off the tax return as of now. When we get the GI Bill money we'll have a savings account again, yay!
Here are a couple things I've done for one of my classes. I'm doing a lot of reading and a good amount of writing, but that's no fun to show you! =D

Chris is fairing the least well at this time. He just got put on midshift, and he hates nights more than anyone I know. It's 8pm-8am. This basically means we never see each other and if we do one or both of us is tired, lol. I just hope it all passes quickly. He's been doing the shift work since August and it was only supposed to be for two months. Hopefully this will set him up for a normal schedule by summer, when the fun starts!
Here the boys sit and watch the Superbowl while they have their beverages. Zach likes to sit still in your lap these days...we're treasuring it while it lasts!

Helping Daddy.

Apparently we sent our winter south this year b/c it has been very mild. This week it has been 35 or higher everyday, which is awesome! Everything is melting and it feels like spring is near. Of course I am sure that fantasy will be stripped away any minute now! This month the moose have been out quite a bit. Every other day I see one or more.
Last year we had a visitor, and again this year!

The snow on this tree looks like styrofoam balls were placed strategically.
Adios! Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is always nice to get these emails with all the pics and your captions. Zach is so BIG and he is so very handsome.
Hang in there with the work thing Chris, it will get better.
As for not seeing much of each other advice is take advantage of the time you do have together and focus 'some' energy on just being together.
I love you all very much. I wish I could be there to watch Zach grow and learn. I miss all of you a bunch.
I love you all.
