Friday, January 29, 2010

It's been a while...

Wow, I've really slacked off. I was sure I had at least put up stuff from Christmas. So let me get caught up with that to begin with!

We had a great Christmas although the novelty of Alaska and a White Christmas started to wear thin because we miss being with our families. We were lucky that Chris actually got Christmas off, given that was like one of two whole holidays he got off this year. So that was nice. We went to a Christmas pageant, a Chistmas Eve service and we baked cookies! Then the night before we read Zach's Santa-autographed edition of the Night Before Christmas.
Looking handsome, getting ready to go to Church.
We got like three straight days of snow. Our back yard was filling up like a bowl! Fortunately this winter has been relatively mild, especially considering the rest of the country, lol. Our worst stay still (even as of late January) was the day we plunged into ice water, which was zero. It's been that low a hand full of times. Otherwise it's been in the teens and it hasn't snowed THAT much.
This is what I came home to find. It was well before Christmas and Smokey cheated!
What did Santa bring me?
Zach's Nana (Kathy) made this stocking for him. It was full, Santa must have been there! =D
This Christmas was a lot of fun because Zach was really excited to get all of his toys. He played with them all. Here he is taste testing the toy Anita and Rob got him.
He does the sitting on his knees thing now, which is way cute! He liked the puzzle though he needs practice, lol!
I got him this and it seemed like a great idea at the time. Can you guess how long it took him to ruin it? lol!
We had Christmas dinner. Zach was not impressed by the green bean.
Smokey got a couple of things too. Sad to say that as of this post (end of January) everything he got has been worked to threads and is in the trash. Both he and Zach have a special gift in destruction.
And here Zach is wearing his Christmas present several days later!
He got a couple of really adorable outfits, here is one. He is also working on his reading here.
Those are his first pair of Nikes, courtesy of Grandma!

Well I can't believe 2009 ended so quickly! Time sure does fly. 2010 will be interesting, can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are moving right along. You will settle into a new routine in no time. Zach will be fine. He just needs to know there is a new routine now.
Sounds like life is going good for y'all. I saw Zach with his reading material and am glad to see he is learning meanings of things. Its a sign of great parenting.
We love you all.

David and Robert