Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just call me Tim Geithner...

I did our taxes last night...and I am getting back way too much money....I don't believe it...I will blame Taxslayer.com if anyone comes looking for me...I mean we're getting OVER double what we usually get...and we got that stimulus check? Sheesh.

They are saying that Mt. Redoubt is bubbling getting ready to explode...if that happens we are likely to be shut in AGAIN for a couple days...who knew living here was so perilous? Geez.

Anyway...here's some media for your enjoyment. (or just mine, w/e)

Notice that shiny chin...no, he doesn't need powder...that's all drool baby!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I didn't mean to post the same video twice!!! This was supposed to be the other one.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Robersons Lately

Hola. :) Just some pictures and videos. It snowed again so there are no more treacherous paths down the driveway...Chris is onj 12 hour midhsifts which sucks...he is really liking his job...it's very busy and very interesting...umm...Zach and I watched the events yesterday...today we recorded Lost...which I can't watch until Chris gets up TOMORROW...sigh...I ran a mile and a half today...netflix is cool...wanted was a horrible movie...Sense and Senisibility is NOT even close to as good as Pride and Prejudice...Smokey tried to eat my chocolate chip cookie...we still haven't gotten our W2s...and there was a president named Zachary Taylor from Virginia. That's all. Adios!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

omg it was 47 degrees today

Well...today has been terrific. Zach woke up at 10, 1, 5 and 6 last night...puked on me at one point...the diaper genie ran out of stuff yesterday apparently....and I realized this at 1am...so I had to change that...and start laundry...then this morning I had to go the store for diapers/etc and the entire parking lot was covered in at least 3 inches of ice...yes...solid ice...I am not kidding when I say I was ice skating...SOMEHOW I didn't fall on my butt...regardless it was probably the best part of my day...when I came home the mail man watched me as I tried unsuccessfully to maneuver the Jeep into the garage...i shifted this way and that...and then slid down the driveway WHILE IN DRIVE...I tried one more time and gave up...all while the mailman was cautiously attempting to go behind me but wisely thought the better of it...THEN when I tried to WALK up the driveway b/c I couldn't park in the garage...well I got like 3/4 of the way up...and then I seriously SLID THE ENTIRE WAY BACK DOWN. At this point I was really dejected...my last resort was to go through the three feet of snow in our front yard to make it inside...which I GLADLY did...I know what you are thinking...why doesn't she get some boots or some yak tracks....well she will....once all the parking lots are not COVERED in ice...then this afternoon I spent an hour picking up dog poop (ok so that is partly my fault...) which was way more awful than I imagined it could be seeing that everything is melting and soggy...enough said....and if we haven't mentioned it before the trash can is several houses down...and everything in our neighborhood is ice (driveways, sidewalks, roads)...so I basically skated my way down to the trash can dragging three bags of dog poop...yes, it was all very glamorous...but I did manage to not fall...which I think is pretty impressive...finally I dealt with a VERY grumpy Zach...as evidenced by the video below...I am going to warn you...there is some screaming/crying in this video...so brace yourself...but I spent an hour trying to get that boy to bed and you can see why I was having such a hard time...

Anyway....goodbye blog, hello glass of wine!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fat Albert Sound

I sat here and laughed out loud, home all by myself, when I watched the videa of Zach sticking his lip out when you did the Fat Albert laugh! It's so funny that he does that just for some sounds!

Sure looks cold up there - although I'm glad it's warmed up enough that your nose hairs aren't even freezing any more!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What is the correct pluralization of moose? Moose. Yes...isn't that fantastically confusing? I can't talk long Elizabeth has just realized she was wrong about Darcy (reading pride and predjudice)...Chris got some video of our neighborhood and some moose (oh its so weird) hanging out around it. Also a picture or two. :)

Oh yeah, Chris wanted me to tell you the 'daddy' moose crossed in front of him when he first came home and he was as tall as the truck.

Roll over!

I finally got it on camera! Since this is quite a feat I figured Zach needed a theme song. :) Ifyou listen to the end of the lyrics he says he is burning the candle at both ends...so true! Zach woke himself up at 10, 4 and 5 lat night! lol.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Woot 15 degrees!

Well, I've sold my soul...I've gone from a true hot weather girl who was cold at 70 degrees to being excited and WARM today when it finally went to the positve....15 degrees! I can't really explain to ou how excited I am. It is so awesome. And it hardly feels cold...my nose hairs didn't even freeze!

Now you may start to think that we sit around torturing Zach when you view these videos...but I promise you we do not. He is a very happy baby and he REALLY laughed at me today...he like me to blow on his belly. :) So....here are some videos...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wolf Noise

That is hilarious! Every time you do it he sticks out his lip! lol I wonder what it is that bothers him, and why that specific reaction every time, and only to that. Poor little fella.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wolf noise

Check out the wolf noise...

30 BELOW!!!!

I am quite sure that humans were never intended to live places that cold - only polar bears and maybe seals or something. That's crazy. Zach is just growing and changing so much. It's really fun to see. As for the sleep - who knows? None of mine ever slept 12 hours so I can't imagine that anyway-I suspect it's a combination of a slight slowdown in growth, so he's not "burning" so much energy growing; a little older so maybe he doesn't need quite so much at night; and just plan old who knows? lol Hang in there. I'll check out the stock price on ChapStick - just in case!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Four months old!

This is how Zach reacted when I told him I hadn't posted for over one week!!!

Can you believe Zach is four months? He had his doctor's appointment today. He was 25 inches long and 15lbs 15 oz. :) His head was almost 17 inches around (he looked funny with the measuring tape as a crown). The trip was pretty stressful b/c he decided the initial wait in the waiting room would be his one chance to prove to the world I am a horrible mother. He starts howling and I really don't know why...he doesn't really do that at home...so I finally quieted him...and I realized I forgot his burp cloth as he drools all over himself and me...but then he was a good boy after that...he was fascinated by the fish painted on the wall in the doctor's office...and by the doctor's glasses...

Zach has decided to stop sleeping through the night. So I try to feed him more...I try cereal...nothing changes...so...that kind of sucks...he was sleeping 12 hours...and not so much anymore...I wish I could figure out why...

He is doing a raspberry like thing now that is hilarious...see video below. Also I don't know if I ever mentioned this but a while ago for whatever reason Chris made a howling noise and it made Zach stick out his bottom lip and start crying...and he still does it! For some reason he doesn't like that sound....it's really odd. Also...I think he's ready to start solids (except that he spits up the cereal in his bottle at least half the time) because a couple of times now I've been holding him while I was eating and as I brought the food to my mouth he smacked his mouth open ready to eat it! It was the funniest thing! I had to stop eating b/c I felt so bad b/c he kept doing it! He really wanted my yummy food! Lol...I will try to get that on video b/c it is absolutely hilarious!!!!

Also...he is at that point where anything that comes near his hands goes into his mouth. :) What else...He goes to the gym with me and he doesn't fuss long enough for me to run a mile then I walk with him on the indoor track and he falls asleep...yesterday he fell asleep with one finger in his mouth and the other hand had the death grip on his blanket...it was really cute.

Anyway....things are going well here. I've been really busy...and it's been too cold to do anything outside...I am really tired of this weather. I didn't mind the teens/twenties...but this negative 30 business is not cool. When you walk outside and your nose hairs freeze...that's not cool. They are saying this is the coldest winter in like...forever...that's basically b/c we're here I figure. I think we ought to invest in chapstick and lotion...and nasal spray....this is ridiculous...my body is like wtf!

Here are some videos...sorry for all the annoying mommycam sounds...

Here is one silly baby! This one isn't that exciting...we've got to build up people!

This one is just a couple of bloopers. lol.

Why is my son grunting? Not sure...

Here is my sweet baby 'laughing.'
