Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well we went shopping today! Great Grandma Becky bought little Zachary some really nice things. First and foremost she bought him a dresser to keep all of his precious widdle clothes in. And it will also be the sight of many future diaper changings! They ordered it for him and it will be in in a week or so. More pictures to come once we get it up!!! Great Grandma Becky also bought Zachary some adorable....AND affordable (clearance racks, thank you!) clothes. He now owns enough clothes for like...five days! :)

Zach's First Rock Concert!!!!

Last night the family went to their first rock concert together. I don't know what Zach really thought about it because believe it or not he seemed to sleep through most of it. Not so for the rest of us, we had a good time!

Here are pictures...Chris and Gerry discussing rock trivia...and then Gerry looking thrilled to be taking a picture with me.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Hey ya'll

Glad you got the crib together. Looks like it was fun. =)

sorry about your truck!! Not fun. =(

Love ya's,
GA kelly

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Mother's Day Story

I got cards and emails that were very sweet.

Also, Chris has started my precious moments collection with this one, which is absolutely adorable:

And then, from my sister Angel I added to my Willow Tree collection with this sweet figurine:

And then the family went to Outback for lunch, yummm.

And then we came out to this:

Yes, some @$$ broke into my truck. An hour or more (and a sunburn!) later...the cops showed up! :( Luckilly this time they didn't get anything but the stereo. Unfortunately, they broke the lock/handle and dinged the door w/ the crowbar. This is the second time Chris and I have had our trucks broken into this year. I am so over it.

Ready! Aim! Crib!

Ok. So now we have a crib, a bib and a shirt. Are we ready for a child or what!? My friend Joe came over to help Chris put it together. It ended up being a lot simpler than originally anticipated. But, oh well. Here are some pictures from the event! That lovely lady is my BFF Shannon...also known as baby shower planner extraordinaire.

No words, just a picture to inspire confidence.

Friday, May 9, 2008


It was pretty funny the other day this older man at work told me I better have someone start boiling the water...
Yeah, maybe in 3 months.

He also asked what the baby's name was.
Oh, I like biblical names.

Another appointment...

Well...I went to the Doctor today. Here is the gist of the appointment I waited an hour for:

Have you had any problems?
And contractions/bleeding?
Do you have any questions?
Were the results of my ultrasound okay?
Were the results of my tests okay?
Am I bigger than I should be?
Don't gain much more weight.
*measured my uterus and listend to heart beat for 30 seconds*
Stop by the lab for your gluclose test. *end of thought*
*couple seconds delay* Doesn't that take like an hour or something?

Thanks, goodbye.


The entire thing lasted like ten minutes. I was telling Chris beforehand that I was pretty sure, like the last appointment, it was going to be a monumental waste of time. He said no, and pointed to the board of things we were supposed to talk about this week: infant feeding options, pre-term labor signs, movement counts, upcoming gluclose test, etc, etc.

...I had to force him to tell me about very important the testing I had done...and Zach's measurements...

I guess he doesn't realize he is the only authorative source (at least medically, not on being a mom!) I have to get information from? Doesn't he think it is important to go over things? I've been know...I'm not a's where he comes in!!!!

Whatever. Military get what you pay for.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mother's Day

Allow me to get sentimental...As we're getting closer to Mother's ocurred to me how little we understand how deep a Mother's love goes. I say this because even as I've always understood that my mother loves me fiercely...would do anything for me...and will always be in my corner...there is just no action or words that can describe the depth of that love. I am only five months along and already I can feel it is almost overwhelming...and this is just the beginning. Despite all the griping and the swelling and the stretch marks and the heartburn, pregnancy really is incredible...and it really helps you understand how much your Mom really does love you!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Zachary has a place to sleep!

My Mom delivered Zachary's bed today. Yes, that's right, Grandma delivers! Here is the crib we picked out and that now sits in a the nursery...waiting for us to put it together! I guess Mom couldn't wait to buy much as I can't wait to put it together...speaking of which...watching the screwdriver charge is kind of like watching water boil, isn't it?